Chapter VIII

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Today was the day: The perfomance in the Orpheum. And probably… The first and last Performance I could ever watch from my Family. I put on some nice clothes, made my hair, did some cute Makeup and looked into the Mirror. I smiled at my Sunset Curve Shirt that finally fit me and grabbed my leather jacket. Then I grabbed my keys and went out to the Orpheum.

With my pass I could go backstage and walked to Julie's room. I knocked and waled in and saw a nervous Julie pacing around. But... Only Julie...

"Where are the Boys?" I asked, and Julie was so nervous.

"I don't know. They weren't here yet. She bit her finger nails and walked through the room.

"What if we were too late?" I shook my head.

"No. No I don't think so. I would feel that. But... Where are they?" Julie looked down.

"Do you think that Caleb..." My eyes widened,

"I... I don't know." Julie got very nevous. I Held her shoulders and looked down into her eyes.

"Listen to me. I will find them. If I'm not back in Five minutes, Go out there and rock that house. Make the Boys and your mother proud" She let some Tears fall.

"Excuse me" She ran out. That stage man wanted to stop her, but I didn't let him.

"No. Leave her" I said. They left her and I walked into Julie's room and then poofed out to the HGC.

This place hasn't changed. I recognized everything from the last time I was here a few years ago. The People, the Food, the place, all the same. I looked around and hoped I would find Willie, but he was nowhere to be seen. I just wanted to leave when I heard Caleb on stage.

"Alex, Show me what you got!" I turned around and my eyes widened. Alex was there. Playing on the drums. When I just realized this the next shock happened.

"Reggie. Swing it Baby" Reggie poofed on stage and played the bass. He looked around confused.

"Now Luke, yeah!" Luke walked up from behind the stage and played a Riff. But he tried to fight it, I could tell. The two guitarists played together and looked scared and confused at the same time. Reggie saw me and pointed at me to Luke. Luke saw me and mouthed me a 'help us'. I looked at them in worries and thought of what to do. I ran behind the stage and looked around.

'Come on come on come on' I thought. Then I saw a cable that was connected to the Instruments. When the song was over i pulled them out so they couldn't Play anymore. I looked at the Boys.

'Try' I mouthed to them and poofed back to the Orpheum.

I just wanted to talk to Julie when she ran on stage. I couldn't tell her what happened. I walked to the back of the stage and looked at julie playing for the Boys. She shed some Tears and I looked at her supportingly. Just as she was Ready to go on after the Chorus some drums started to Play. Alex poofed on stage with the drums. Julie smiled in so much relief and I smiled too, especially when I saw Reggie coming up with the drums. He gave Julie a sweet smile and then looked at me in such happiness. I wioed a tear and then we saw that Luke had Trouble with appearing on stage. I crossed my fingers.

'Come on' I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I'm going out of my mind" I opened my eyes and saw my brother and I smiled so bright. It was hard to tell whether I smiled more or Julie. She sat up and ran to him, Jumping like a happy child. I smiled at them and I was so happy that they were able to come and do their unfinished Business. We all jumped and sang with them in happiness and I let some tears fall from happiness but also sadness because I knew I wouldn't see them again after this. When the song ended and they disappeared for the audience Reggie ran to me and kissed me in such a loving and beautiful way. I put my hands on his chest and kissed him back before he faded in my arms. I hugged myself and looked down when Julie came to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled softly. I might have lost my family, but I found a new friend.

"Do you want to come home with me?" I smiled and nodded.

"I would love to." She took my hand and we walked to her home with her family. We were singing and laughing and just had a great time. Julie looked over at her studio and I squeezed her hand a bit.

"Go" I whispered and she nodded.

"You go inside. I have to do something." She told her family and they nodded. I looked up at the stars and then closed my eyes to make a wish after I saw a shooting star. Ray looked at me.

"Are you coming?" He asked me softly. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah." He held the door open for me and I walked inside. I helped Julie's aunt with the food when I heard Julie scream my name. We all jumped up and I looked at them.

"I'll be right back" I ran outside and to the studio.

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