Chapter VII

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The next day I woke up and Willie Held me in my bed and stroke my hair. I looked up at him.

"What are you doing? What happened?" He looked down at me.

"You had a Nightmare and I didn't get to wake you up, so I wanted to protect you" I smiled at the Boy.

"Thank you so much." He nodded and kissed my head like the big brother he was to me. He then smiled.

"There's News" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He just smiled.

"You should ask the Boys that" He took my Hand and before I could Change, we already poofed out.

We arrived in Julie's Garage and I saw them dancing around. I walked in and Reggie hugged me tight.

"Thank you so much" I hugged him back, but I was so confused.

"What's going on?" I asked and looked at the others.

"We're playing the Orpheum!" Alex and Julie said in sync. My eyes widened with a bright smile.

"Wait. really?" They nodded and Luke walked to me.

"All thanks to you two. You got us on the idea and Willie gave us the Job" He hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you" I looked around.

"Wait... Where's Willie?" Alex stopped smiling when he noticed that Willie was gone. Reggie looked at Alex.

"He's probably just Skating or doing ghost stuff. Come on! We have to celbrate" He jumped around and I giggled.

"You guys do that. You deserve it. I have to go home tho. Work is calling. See you" I smiled at them and went home.

A few days passed and... Willie was gone. Usually I wouldn't be bothered because I knew him, but since he helps the Boys and... Kinda has a crush on Alex... I was scared that Caleb would do anything to him, especially because he would never leave for more than one day without telling me. I waited and with every noise I heard... I hoped it was him.
I was asleep when I noticed someone was in my room. And it was not Willie. I opened my eyes to see a blond figure in front of me.

"Hey. Sorry did I wake you?" I sat up.

"Yeah. But it's okay" I rubbed my eyes.

"Is everything okay?" He looked at me.

"Yes. I was just... Looking for Willie. Is he here?" He asked me shyly.

"No..." I stood up.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday in fact. I'm getting worried. Usually he tells me when something is up." I looked out of the window.

"D-do you think that Caleb-" I looked down.

"I don't know, Alex. I just hope that he's okay..." Alex nodded.

"Yeah me too." He put his hands in his pockets.

"So... How are you?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Well... Next to the fact that I wish I knew where Willie was, I'm fine thank you very much" I laughed.

"That's good. Hey will you come to the show?" He smiled at me.

"Haha of course. I mean I want to support my family" I smiled. He also did and pulled something out of his pockets.

"Good. Because Reggie wanted me to give this to you." I got a VIP ticket. I smiled.

"Why?" I looked at it.

"You're family. Besides, I think that Reggie likes you" I blushed.

"Yeah right. I need to sleep. See you tomorrow." He smiled at me and shook his head before he left.

The next day Reggie came into my room. I was wearing a towel from taking a shower. My back faced him, but I could feel he was there.

"You know... It's pretty rude to just enter a room without permission" I turned around.

"Especially when a girl took a shower" Reggie blushed

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in here." He looked down.

"I should go" he turned around when I stopped him.

"Hey. I'm joking. I'm okay with it. Just let me put on some underwear." I giggled and changed.

"So what are you doing here anyways? Is everything okay?" He nodded.

"I just... Wanted to check on you. I was worried. Are you okay?" I shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean... Willie is missing and you guys are in danger, leaving no matter what. I guess... I guess I'm not feeling to well" I joked. Reggie looked down.

"Ay... I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could do something." He held my cheek. I looked at him and blushed.

"That should be my line. I wished I could've helped you. Instead I disappointed you." I let a tear fall, but Reggie wiped it immediately.

"Stop saying that. You did not disappoint us. You didn't disappoint me. And honestly, I'm glad I saw you one more time." He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. They were glowing and I could see my reflection in them.

"You are so amazing, Reginald. You should know that" I said softly. He held my chin and pulled me up into a soft, yet lovingly kiss. I kissed him back and let a tear fall. I have been feeling weird for him ever since we met again. And now I knew why. Because I fell for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him a little deeper. He smiled and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him more and more. I loved him. And I wanted him. For the first and probably last time before he...
No. I would not think about that now. I should enjoy this moment. He laid me on my bed softly and laid on top of me. I still had my legs wrapped around him. He pulled his shirt off and I blushed. He looked so handsome, and I was shy. I kissed him again when suddenly...

"Ahh!" Reggie Held his chest. It was the stroke again. I looked at him worried.

"Are you okay?" He nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" He kissed me again when suddenly he had such a big stroke that he fell on the bed in massive pain.

"Reggie!" I sat up and looked at him. He groaned.

"I-I'm okay" He groaned, but I got loud.

"No you're not! You're getting weaker." I let a tear fall.

"Please rest. Please." Reggie breathed heavily.

"No... I want this Ay. I really do" He said and let a tear fall. I wiped it.

"Shhh... Relax please. It's okay" I kissed his cheek.

"Please just rest, okay?" He looked down and nodded. I laid down next to him and cuddled into his chest.

"I love you, Reggie. I do, okay? And that will never change" I held his hand on his chest and stroke it with my thumb.

"I love you too, Ay. So much" He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

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