Accidentally hurting a Friend

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Prompt(s): Accidentally hurting a Friend + Fighting for a Life 

Warnings: Minor swearing, Electrocution, Temporary Major Character Death

Published: 5 December 2020

Word Count: 3123

Checked with Grammarly.

Thanks for being patient with me. I know, I don't update very often, but only because I'm trying to make this story as enjoyable as possible. 

Also today is my birthday, so you better all congratulate me.

Things were... not well with Danger Force at the moment.

Chapa and Ray were only talking, when it was absolutely necessary, making working together as a team rather difficult. And when they were talking, it was more like yelling, than anything else.

Nearly three days had passed since their huge fight, and it didn't look like things were going to get better any time soon.

When Chapa had returned to the Man's Nest in the dead of the night, Mika, Miles, and Bose had already been long gone. Ray had been sitting on the couch, watching the news, which was reporting about an arson case at the edge of town.

And while Ray certainly wasn't the brightest star in the sky, he wasn't stupid.

He had immediately recognized the smell of smoke on her clothes.

His plan, to calmly talk to Chapa and to apologize was out of the window then.

"Have you lost your mind?! Committing arson?! If a neighbor hadn't called the fire department, the nearby houses could have caught on fire as well! People could have died! What were you thinking?!"

Chapa had stuffed her hands into her pockets. "Just erasing some mistakes," she had said as she had walked past him.

The next morning, they hadn't shared a single word.

It had been hella awkward when the others had arrived. Especially for Schwoz, who hadn't known about their argument and had no clue what was going on.

The following day hadn't been any better.

It had been even worse.

There had been a crime alert. Nothing huge and nothing they normally couldn't handle.

Emphasison normally.

Chapa, being her usual stubborn self, had refused to listen to Ray.

The mission had gone as well as you can imagine.

And now, that Henry was back, things were as bad as they could possibly be.

Ray's former sidekick had for some reason refused to spend the nights at his parents' house or a hotel. Chapa didn't know what his problem was, but she guessed it had to be a pretty big one if he preferred the medbay over an actual room.

But as long as he stayed out of her way, she didn't care.

While Chapa didn't exactly dislike Henry, it was kinda hard to like the person you were always getting compared to.

At least the tension and awkward silence during breakfast was now gone.

Mika really hoped that Henry would distract Ray a bit so that the latter would calm down, and try to talk to Chapa again.

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