Back Home {Chapter 4}

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I'm going to timeskip to when they come back, because I just simply don't know how to continue this story, I'm really trying my best here. I'm really sorry.
(Has been edited)

|Third Person POV|
"Naruto you alright?" Shikamaru asked Naruto as they walked back to Konaha with the others. "Yeah, I'm fine..." The blonde replied. He wasn't fine though. The reason was because the 'fox hunt' was coming up. The 'fox hunt' is where the villagers give Naruto 30 minutes to hide, and they get 2 hours to find him. If they find him, they get to beat him as much as they want. If he wins, then the villagers don't get to beat him. It's really unfair, but it's just the way things go.

Naruto was completely zoned out the whole time they were walking back to the village, since Shikamaru knew about Naruto's fake personality, he wasn't as confused as the others, but was still a bit confused. 

"WE'RE FINALLY BACK!" Sakura shouted, causing Naruto to snap out of his daze. "Fuck..." Shikamaru heard Naruto whisper under his breathe. "What's up?" Shikamaru whispered to Naruto. "Ahh... Nothing." "Ok..." Shikamaru clearly wasn't convinced, but he kept silent.

"So the demon's back?" A villager said, grabbing Naruto's shoulders from behind. Naruto immediately tensed up, and it wasn't like a tense up with a random person, it seemed Naruto knew this person. "Who are you? What do you want with Naruto?" Kakashi took one of the guys hands off of Naruto. "Well, it's time for the fox hunt." The guy said smirking at Naruto. Naruto looked absolutely terrified, he was shaking and staring at the guy with wide eyes. "Fox hunt...?" Sakura asked the guy. "Oh you don't know what the fox hunt is?" The guy asked with a smirk. "Well, would you like to participate?" The guy was still smirking, it was honestly creeping everyone out. "No, we would not like to do this 'fox hunt' thing if we don't even know what it is." Kakashi responded, grabbing Naruto and pulling him away from the weird man. The guy scoffed. "Oh Naruto, you know what's going to happen if you don't show up..." Naruto gulped nervously as the guy disappeared into the village.

|Kakashi POV|
"What was that about Naruto?" I asked him. "It's nothing..." Naruto replied, still clearly shaken up. "What's the fox hunt?" Kiba asked Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened, and he quickly started to hyperventilate. He fell to his knees, clutching his chest. "KIBA WHAT THE HELL?!" Shikamaru yelled. We were all shocked, usually Shikamaru doesn't bother with helping the person. "Hey, hey, hey..." Shikamaru whispered, squatting down next to Naruto. "Can I touch you?" Shikamaru asked Naruto. Naruto slowly nodded, still clutching his chest. "What did you do?!" Ino whisper-yelled to Kiba. "I just asked what the fox hunt was!" Kiba whisper-yelled back. "W-w-well it obviously isn't s-something g-g-good!" Hinata whispered. "He's probably just over exaggerating." Sakura rolled her eyes. "It's something serious if he's hyperventilating." I told Sakura. "Yeah, but he's just faking it for attention." Sakura rolled her eyes again. "UNLIKE WHAT MY SASUKE-KUN WOULD DO!" She yelled, latching onto Sasuke. "This conversation has nothing to do with Sasuke." Neji told Sakura. "Whatever!" Sakura replied, rubbing her face on him.

(Sorry this is so sloppy, I'm writing on a phone and I'm in class.)

|Shikamaru POV|
"You alright now?" I asked Naruto, still huddled on the ground with him. "Yeah, but I really need to take my henge off..." Naruto replied. "Okay, let's go somewhere else." I stood up, offering Naruto my hand to help him up. He gripped my hand and I pulled him up. Naruto and I ran off, hoping the others wouldn't see us. "And where are you two off too?" Asuma-Sensei asked, making us stop in our tracks. "Uhehehe..." Naruto grabbed my wrist and full on sprinted towards his apartment, dragging me behind him. "SLOW DOWN!" I yelled, as he weaved in and out of alley ways. "NO OR ELSE THEY'RE GONNA CATCH US!" Naruto yelled back. "WHA-?!" I looked behind us, seeing all the genin teams chasing us. "GO GO GO!" "OH SO NOW YOU WANNA GO?!" Naruto yelled back. "JUST HURRY UP!" I yelled back. Naruto sprinted even faster, slamming to the door of his apartment.

"Think we're good now...?" Naruto said panting. "We should be..." I replied.

I know I ended this chapter a bit short, but I just wanted to give you guys an update!


Words: 761

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