Chapter 37 ~ The Final Battle

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Note: Decided to make this chapter a lot longer than the others because I really didn't want to break up the Chuck showdown into more than one chapter. I hope y'all enjoy it! ^_^

Episode: Season 15 - Inherit the Earth Pt. 4

The plan had not been what I was thinking it would be.

Our "plan" was that we would head to a location we knew Chuck would show up at and presumably, one where he wouldn't guess what was going on. Together, the six of us plus Michael, headed to the spot. It was beautiful really. Right by a shining blue lake with rolling green hills surrounding us on all sides. We began to set up things for our ritual, for this plan we had concocted, hoping beyond all hope that it would go well.

I guess you could say that it did. Albeit not in the exact right order - and certainly not the way Michael thought it would go down. Especially after he got obliterated by Chuck. But that had been a factor we had been counting on.

I groaned, bruises all over me, as Dean pulled me to my feet. My eyes met his and he nodded once in reassurance. This is how it was always meant to end. Me, Sam, and Dean.

Both brothers wouldn't be happy with me, I knew. But I would not be leaving my boys. Not now, not ever.

"And you three," Chuck said, dusting off his hands after blowing up his son, "You know, eternal suffering sounds good on paper but as a viewing experience, it's just kinda-"

He made a dissatisfied noise and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, Dean's hand clutching mine tightly.

"-so, we're done. I'm cancelling your show,"

"Alright, well..." Sam started, stepping up to Chuck, "One for the road."

With those final words, he swung his arm, effectively smacking Chuck right in the jaw. However, it didn't do the damage that Sam had been hoping for. That one punch didn't even break the skin.

"Cute." Chuck half-smirked before lifting up his hands, sending us sprawling on the ground once again.

I groaned as my knees hit the dirt, feeling my chest constrict as the air was being sucked from my lungs. Dean glancing my way then. With his eyes, I could tell he was trying to tell me to leave - head back to where the kids were waiting on us. But I would never do that.

"Eh, why not? I can get my hands dirty," Chuck said then, more to himself than to us as he socked Sam in the jaw.

Dean was on his feet in an instance, protective-older-brother mode turned on as he went for Chuck. I followed closely behind. But it was no use - every time we picked ourselves back up, he only knocked us squarely back down. Pain ricocheted inside and out, from every internal organ to every inch of my skin. Glancing beside me, I noticed Sam's face splattered with blood as I knew mine must be as well. As we kept fighting on, I could hear the crunch of bones being broken, the pop of dislocating arms.

Chuck kept repeating for us to give this up, to stay down. But clearly he didn't know the Winchesters - we never gave up.

Dean's hand latched onto mine then, hoisting me up after Sam did the same for him. As my eyes flicked over Chuck's shoulder, I couldn't help but let a grin find its way onto my face. Finally! It was time!

Chuck frowned then, seeing the change in our expressions, "Why are you smiling?"

"Because..." Sam panted, out of breath from the exertion of the beating, "You lose."

Suddenly, Chuck spun on his heel to see what we'd been looking at. Standing just a few feet away was Jack - seething with anger from head to toe. You could almost feel the energy rolling off of him at this point.

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