Chapter 22 ~ Hi, Grandma!

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Episode: Season 15 - Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven Pt. 2

When we finally arrived in Hell, things didn't go quite as planned. We had hoped it would be an easy in-and-out trip and then we'd be back. Instead, we got accosted by a few minions as soon as we stepped into the place. In fact, I was in some demon's choke-hold when a voice spoke up, making them release us. Let's just say I was more than surprised when, as Dean pulled me to my feet, we were met with the sight of a beautiful ginger-haired woman in a slinky, red dress.

"Hello, boys," she greeted with a slight smile before her hazel-eyed gaze landed on me and her expression turned to that of surprise, "And girl... You did say you wanted to see the one in charge?"

"Rowena, we thought you were dead," Dean said, shock evident on his face.

"Oh, I am, dear. Pretty much everyone here is," she replied happily, "When I closed the fissure, it did cost me my life, and my soul went to Hell. Big surprise,"

"And the demons just handed you the throne?" Cas asked her.

"No one hands you anything, darlin'. I took it," she shrugged, a thick Scottish accent sticking to her words like strawberry jam.

"Wait, wait, wait - you are Rowena?" I asked, arching my eyebrows as I took in the sight of her.

"Yes," she answered in a 'duh' tone before she stopped a moment, watching me, "And you are...wait, don't tell me! I can't be!... You must be Parker,"

Despite myself, I smiled at the way she said my name. This woman...was my grandmother, my father's mother. I nodded in response to her words and this time, she was the one to smile.

"Ah, I knew it. You have Fergus' eyes," she said approvingly, nodding to herself.

Sam frowned, "But that's not possible - Fergus, I mean...Crowley, used a vessel. If anything she has the ves-"

Rowena just waved him off at that, "Darlin', I've lived a long time and I'm well aware on the way that the world works. But regardless, science does not play a role where the genetics of magic is concerned. Besides, I know my son's eyes when I see them. And if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people,"

I grinned at Sam's disgruntled expression and the way Rowena handled his question. Not to mention the iconic Star Wars quote she just dropped.

"So, why are you here?" she asked then, directing her question to Dean.

"Chuck. He's back, and he's outta control, and we need to rein him in," he replied to her seriously.

"You want to rein in God,"

"We think there's a way," Sam piped up then, "Listen, we just need to speak to Michael,"

"Michael, the out-of-his-head archangel?" she chuckled, glancing around at the four of us, "This just gets better. Ahh. Well, anyway, it doesn't matter,"


"He won't be in the Cage. Every door here was flung wide when Chuck opened the fissure. Your archangel could be anywhere in Hell, or out of Hell, for that matter,"

"Rowena, we're running outta time, okay? We need Michael yesterday," Dean told her, anger lightly veiled in his tone.

My witchy grandma was silent for a moment before finally she spoke again, "Did you not hear the man? FIND HIM!"

Dean gaped, mouth open, as all her minions scuttled off and I couldn't help but giggle. Rowena sent a sly wink my way then and I grinned.

Wow. So Grandma is pretty awesome.

We sat around, drank tea and talked after that as the demons attempted to find Michael. It was to no avail though, apparently he wasn't even in Hell as we'd predicted. Nope, instead he was somewhere in our world, just living his life. Great, just great.That only meant one thing though - we had to go back. And suddenly, glancing over at the grandmother I never knew till now...I didn't want to leave.

I'd lost so much family. I lost my older brother, Gavin, and while I'd been father, too. And now, now the grandmother I had only recently met - now she was going to be gone, too. Just like the others.

"Aw, don't fret, wee one," Rowena said as we all readied ourselves to depart, her cool, slender fingers brushing back a stray strand of hair from my forehead, "We'll meet again someday, you and I. Somehow, some way. But only after you've had a long, happy life. Death is not the end, child. It is only the beginning of a new chapter."

Tears stung my eyes but I nodded at her words before she swept me up in a hug. I was taken aback for a split second before returning it, holding onto her tightly.

"Bye, grandma. Until we meet again." I whispered to her softly so only she could hear.

She smiled at me as I pulled away. The last thing I saw as I followed after the others, back to the entrance, was her waving to me. I sighed then as Dean fell into step beside me, his hand grabbing mine and squeezing it gently in a comforting manner. Sending him a sad smile in response, I let my head fall onto his shoulder as we walked, letting myself get lost in my thoughts.

Until we meet again.

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