Chapter 24 ~ He's Cute For A Nephilim

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Episode: Season 15 - The Gamblers

Yasmin's POV:

I popped another Cheeto Puff in my mouth while Roman walked around the room, worried as always. After mom and Dean got back from Purgatory, it was off on another hunt for them and Uncle Sam. This time, to a supposed gambling den where you could 'win' luck - because since Chuck didn't like us anymore, luck was in short supply these days. Not sure how much I believed of that myself though, being able to 'win' it back like that - sounded way too Luck of the Irish for my taste.

"Rome, you're pacing. Quit being such a worrywart," I told him around a mouthful of food, swinging my legs back and forth from where I sat on the table in the library, "I'm sure they're fine,"

Roman glanced back at me with those dark eyes of his, a serious expression plastered to his face, "You know, sometimes I really wonder who's the older sibling here,"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at him as I proceeded to lick the cheese powder from my fingertips. Before I had a chance to reply, our angel babysitter bounded into the room, a laptop and cellphone in hand.

"I might've found something," he announced, slapping the phone on the table as he opened the laptop and took a seat.

Roman and I crowded around him as a video began to play on the screen, the speaker on the phone loud and clear while Cas' contact spoke.

"Okay, so Vic was a local doctor, and the office security cameras gave us a good idea of what went down," he was saying.

Cas tried to hold back an eye-roll, "Just an idea?"

"You'll see! Now, Dr. Sariel was a good man. He delivered both of my kids," the man told us as we watched the video.

A man, who I assumed was Dr. Sariel, sat at a desk in a small office. Meanwhile, a figure stepped past the office window. I didn't recognize him, nor did Roman...but Cas sure did.

"Jack," he breathed in surprise.

"This thing's got people pretty spooked," the policeman said through the phone.

The doctor walked to the door then, opening it to greet the young man. My eyes widened when I saw him. Truthfully, he was pretty attractive. Short blond hair, a nice, slim build, and a penetrating gaze. I had to stop myself from whistling. Or maybe I didn't stop myself and that was why Roman dug a very bony elbow into my side.

Suddenly, the boy - Jack - grabbed the doctor by the neck, strangling him. The screen flickered then, freezing up.

"What-what happened?!" Roman asked.

"I don't understand," Cas shook his head in response.

"Me neither. Signal goes out for about two and a half minutes, during which time the suspect kills the doc in his office," the man told us, the speaker amplifying his voice in the otherwise quiet room.

"Why?" Cas asked.

"Keep watching,"

Just then, the screen flickered back to life and Jack walked through the doorway, holding something red and lump in his hand. Roman made a face and I frowned as the boy sat down in a chair.

"Is that...?" Castiel trailed off, unable to finish his question.

A chorus of 'GROSS!' rose up between Roman and I as Jack bit into the bloody red lump .

"That's his heart." Cas stated.

Which is exactly the reason that within a few short hours, we landed in Cushing, Oklahoma. But when we arrived at the scene of the crime, there wasn't much to find. Nothing besides blood. Oh, yeah, and an old rusty sword that Cas told us belonged to the Grigori AKA an elite class of angels. Although the part about the angels I found out through Wikipedia, not Cas. He was too distracted by trying to locate Jack. Afterward, we learned of yet another altercation involving the half-angel but this time, his opponent had a sword. A sword very much like the one we'd just discovered.

By the time we got to the church where we assumed the man had taken Jack, it was dark out. But we could hear voices from inside.

"I can make you suffer. You killed the last of my kind. You ate their hearts! This is more than fair," a man said from the otherwise eerie silence within the building.

Roman and I were quiet as we followed after Cas further into the darkness of the church. Peeking out the doorway, I held back a gasp. The Grigori had slashed deep red welts into Jack's skin, I could see that from here as his shirt hung open in the sliver of moonlight filtering through the stained-glass windows above.

"Fair?" Jack scoffed as if the word was bitter on his tongue, "The last one that I killed was pretending to be a doctor. Feeding on the souls of humans he was supposed to heal. You do it, too. Only you like children,"

The Grigori, Kabaiel, lifted up his sword then, sliding the blade up Jack's neck to rest just under his chin, "Who told you that?"

"Death." Jack said calmly.

Cas swung his own Grigori sword then and it clashed with Kabaiel's as Roman and I hurriedly began to unravel the ropes binding Jack's wrists.

"Who are you?" Jack asked as I turned to face him, our eyes locking in the darkness.

Even in this dim lighting, I could tell his eyes were a bright baby blue - like the ocean in bright sunlight. His gaze was dazzling.

I shook the thought free though as I replied simply, "I'm the girl who's rescuing you. Now shut your cake-hole and get up."

Suddenly, Cas stabbed Kabaiel and he glowed brightly before slumping lifelessly to the floor. As Jack stood up, the angel embraced him as a son, Roman and I standing back to give them some room.

We got back to the Bunker after that and soon, Uncle Sam, Dean, and mom arrived just as we walked into the library to greet them, Cas leading the way.

"Hey. Everything okay?" Sam asked, eyes lighting briefly on his son.

Roman nodded in response and I shrugged just as Jack stepped out from behind us. Our parents mouths fell open in shock, eyes wide as the half-angel boy stood there.

"Surprise!" I grinned.

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