Chapter 43 ~ End of an Era

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Episode: Season 15 - Carry On Pt. 4

With one quick stop along the way to find out answers, we were back on the road and this time, headed to the right location. It was well past nightfall when we arrived. The vamps were holed up in an old abandoned barn from the looks of it.

Dean cut the engine and the three of us climbed out of Baby.

"This the place?" Sam asked skeptically as we walked around to the trunk.

"Dark, creepy, something out of Wes Craven's fantasy? Yeah. It's 100% the place," Dean answered, rolling his eyes.

I shot a grin to my husband, "Then sign me up! I've been waiting my whole life to live out Nightmare on Elm Street or Scream."

"Oh, yeah, you've practiced alright." he retorted with a playful smile.

Dean opened the trunk then and we proceeded to grab weapons. However, my husband had other plans than just a simple machete this time around. His hand latched onto a throwing star and he smirked over at me and Sam.

"Come on, one time," he pleaded with us.

Sam made a face at his brother, "No."

"Why not?"


"But we could..." Dean started before Sam made another face at him.

Rolling his eyes, Dean tossed the star back in the box he'd found it in before grabbing the machete.

"Go with the machete." he grumbled.

I snickered, shaking my head before planting a light kiss on his cheek. My poor baby. Sam never let him have any fun. Shifting my knife from one hand to the other, we strode inside the barn.

"Wow..." I said quietly, casting my eyes up to the high beams overhead, "Didn't Jason walk into this very barn?"

Sam shot me a silencing look and I shrugged as we continued on. Luckily for us, finding the missing boys was easier than anticipated. But fighting the masked vamps who had abducted them? Not so easy...

Before we knew it, Sam was out cold and Dean and I on our backs, pinned down at the wrists. I thought it was over for us then - we'd gotten out of worse scrapes, I knew. Dean always had a knack of talking his way out of any situation and Sam? Sam was the brains behind it all. I was just comedy relief most of the time.

But with Sam out, how could we do this? He was always our rescue party.

With all of these thoughts swirling in my head, I barely had time to register the new presence in front of us. But Dean did. His eyes widened considerably, taken aback by the vamp before him.

"Jenny." he breathed out in shock before cursing.

My jaw dropped. No! It couldn't be! But, oh, it was. Towering over us was a dark-haired woman with such a familiar face - in fact, she hadn't aged a day since we last saw her 19 years ago. We'd tried to rescue her along with John from that vamp nest, even obtained Dead Man's blood to right the situation. But at that point, it had been much too late for Jenny. I frowned, feeling a slight pang of long ago pity that quickly washed away - after all, she did have us pinned to the floor against our will. Not to mention all of the other things she had done to us back then.

"Hey, Dean. Parker," Jenny nodded to the both of us casually, as if we'd just bumped into each other in Walmart.

The two vamps holding us down brought us to our feet, not gently either.

"Well, look at you!" Dean exclaimed, shaking his head as he tried to buy us time, directing his next words to her henchman, "You know, we tried to kill each other back in the day. Yeah. This is so weird..."

"It's like running into somebody in high school, you know? Somebody you don't want to see," Dean muttered under his breath to me before continuing to Jenny, "Well, you look good. You do. I mean, a little dead, but, uh, good."

"Thanks," she said sweetly, smirking at him.

"So, what, are you, like, the, uh...the big boss or something?" I asked her, trying to steer the conversation back in the right direction.

"No," she gave a slight shake of her head, "I just called dibs."

She hissed then, fangs elongating out of her mouth to a horrifying extent when suddenly, her head came flying off her body in a squelching spray of blood. I grinned as Sam stood behind her, machete drenched in crimson.

"Sammy to the rescue!" I cheered , "You know, I remember a similar situation with a scarecrow once..."

Together, the three of us succeeded in making short work of the rest of the vamps. Grabbing my knife from the floor, I sliced the head off another one while Sam took care of his own. Dean punched one of them repeatedly before being tossed to the side. He glared angrily at the vamp, taking a few steps forward before it raced towards him, managing to slam him into a beam. Dean groaned in obvious pain and I grimaced, running over just as Sam sliced its head clean off.

"Alright. Let's go find those kids, get them outta here." Sam said then, catching his breath before sheathing his knife.

"Guys...I don't... Mm," Dean groaned in between words then, "I don't think I'm going anywhere,"

"What?" he asked him in confusion, eyebrows furrowing, "What are you talking about?"

If you had told me then and there that my whole life was about to change irreversibly in that one moment, I probably would have laughed at you. I would have said "How so?" I never would have been able to imagine the changes that were about to come, the upheaval and overwhelming agony of which my heart and soul would sink to the depths of.

But the one thing in my life I had dreaded since the day I first loved was happening.

"There's something in my...something in my back. It feels like it's right through me."

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