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hey ari! how are you?
i wanted to ask you something

hii. i'm okay, u?
and what did u wanna ask

well i was wondering, if you're not too busy, do you wanna go out tonight?

i would love to go out :) i'm shooting a video rn but i should be done by 7

great! so dinner?

that sounds great!

i can pick you up from where you're shooting, if you want

yes! i'll send u the address
i'm looking forward to it :)

~safety net~

"okay! last scene!"

the director yelled and ariana quickly gave her phone to doug for him to hold onto it so it wouldn't get lost and he quickly unlocked it, without asking if he could, to read the messages.

"oh my god, ari. justin junior wants to fuck you so bad."

this caught harry's attention, though he kept his head down, pretending to be focused on his phone. it took him a second to get the joke but his mood completely changed when he realized they were talking about shawn.

"yeah, dinner means he wants some action." ariana frowned at troye's comment and she started to get anxious. was shawn expecting anything other than dinner? and was she okay with that?

"dinner means dinner. i just want some fucking pasta, stop being weird." the group continued with their banter, not realizing harry was completely aware of the conversation.

"looks like you're getting the meatballs too..." doug mumbled, making troye laugh so hard he was gasping for air.

"i'm a vegetarian, doug." ariana rolled her eyes, making harry silently chuckle, and left to shoot the last scene of the video with troye.

even though ariana seemed completely uninterested and unimpressed by shawn, in a romantic way, harry's jealousy skyrocketed when he saw the canadian singer enter the set.

and before shawn could approach them to say hello, harry walked out and left the studio. as irrational as he knew his rage was, he simply couldn't stop himself. once in his car, he screamed, though it came out more like a groan, and he drove away, hoping ariana would be the first to notice he was gone.

~safety net~

shawn mendes was a flirt.

within the first 10 minutes he'd already started telling ariana she looked beautiful and talking about how much he loved her music.

ariana had to admit the attention was nice, but she was bored. she didn't want to be treated like a celebrity on the first date, or ever, really. the only thing she actually wanted in a partner was a little bit of normalcy, regardless of how famous they were and shawn seemed incapable of providing that. either way, she decided to give the boy a chance. she'd heard nothing but great things about him from her peers and she knew he was someone she could trust.

though ariana couldn't help but think about harry and how he made her feel normal. even when he complimented her, it was so natural, ariana wondered if anyone had ever made her feel like that or just harry. she also couldn't stop thinking about how he'd left the set without saying goodbye. she was sad about that, but she'd never admit it, not even to herself.

shawn excused himself to go to the bathroom and ariana took it as an opportunity to text harry. she wanted to make sure everything was good between them.

u ok? u didn't say goodbye

harry ☁️
all good x
i just forgot i had some errands to run.

i'm glad ur ok :) talk tmw?

harry ☁️
sure, if i'm not too busy.

oh ok
take care <3
read 8:46 pm

harry was definitely being cold and ariana had no idea what she'd done to piss him off, but she wondered if it had anything to do with shawn.

once again, her love life was proving to be nothing but a burden and she resented the fact that she'd put herself in that position after swearing she wouldn't.

~safety net~

sorry it took me so long to update omg. this chapter kinda sucks but bare with me pls 😭 thank u for being patient and for reading <3

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