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harry ☁️
hey ariana! it's harry. i just wanted to congratulate you on the album. it's an amazing body of work. i hope you're doing well.
6:32 pm

ariana 🌻
omg hi! i just saw this. thank u so much!! it means a lot. i'm doing okay. what about u? 🖤
10:53 pm

harry ☁️
i'm okay! i'm gonna be in new york for a couple of months to work on new music. maybe we could meet up at the studio one day? x
9:03 am

ariana 🌻
omg. yes!!!! i would love that. just tell me when and where and i'll be there <3
10:25 am

harry ☁️
great, see you soon then. congrats again. take care!
10:34 am

ariana 🌻
u too :)
11:07 am

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