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ariana had never liked romantic comedies.

she couldn't understand why it took the main characters so long to realize they were in love with each other. she found it highly unrealistic.

that was, of course, until it happened to her.

ariana had fallen for harry without even realizing it. hell, she was sure he was the love of her life. she was sure he was it for her, but ariana had managed to convince herself there was nothing there other than friendship and physical attraction, ignoring the signs out of fear.

fear of giving her all to someone again. fear of going through yet another disappointing breakup. fear of losing harry.

it took was a drunk and jealous harry calling her, at 2 in the morning, telling her getting back together with her ex was a big mistake and that she shouldn't do it. begging her not to do it.

that's when ariana knew she needed to stop lying to herself and to harry. that's when she knew it was time to put on her big girl pants (only metaphorically, because she very rarely wears pants) and talk to him about her feelings. their feelings.

and so she did that.

the morning after harry called her, rambling like an idiot, she got on a plane and went to see him without telling him. she knew he was probably too embarrassed to want to talk to her, but that wasn't going to stop her.

and that's how ariana found herself outside harry's london house, anxiously tapping her foot against the concrete floor as she waited for harry to open the door. she'd been rehearsing what she was going to say, but she didn't know where to begin. all the questions and anxiety faded the second she saw his face, though. just like in those cliche movies she'd claimed to hate many times in the past.

"ariana? what are you doing here?"

harry rubbed his eyes, too hungover and sleepy to understand what was happening, but he stepped to the side, letting her in. the last thing he wanted was for her to catch a cold.

"just... let me do the talking, okay? first of all, nothing happened with sean. like, at all. we just went to the studio and made a song. that's it." harry remained silent as he processed what she'd said and he sighed in relief when he understood. he opened his mouth to say something but ariana raised her hand, stopping him.

"i'm not done yet." ariana took a deep breath before saying it. this was the moment they'd both been waiting for and she wasn't about to fuck it up by rambling for hours. no, she was getting straight to the point.

"i love you and i think you love me too. do you?" ariana tilted her head, waiting for his response, and harry's heart melted at the sight. he blinked several times, in case he was hallucinating, but ariana was still there when he opened his eyes.

"i do. fuck, i think i've loved you for years. wait, is that creepy?" harry frowned, thinking he freaked her out, but ariana just giggled cutely and shook her head.

"it's cute. so are you gonna kiss me or..." harry didn't have to be told twice. he kissed her passionately, but he was gentle, one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek, as they savored every second.

it wasn't rushed, it didn't have to be, because now they had the rest of their lives together.

~safety net~

hi!! okay first of all, i'm so sorry it took me so long to update omg. but thank u for the patience, i hope u liked this chapter even if it was very short. ty for reading and for being here <3

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