Chapter Thirty-Five

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Sorry for updating late!! I've been really busy lately! I've been writing but never updating I'm sorry!

Anyways this is the last chapter there is NO sequel or anything! This is it. I hope I don't disappoint you or in anyway. Thank you for the best support. This is actually a book I will Terribbly miss writing. I actually can't believe I got a book I actually wanted on  how to finish it. Thank you for the comments and votes and to you ghost readers thank you for reading!! It means alot!!!!(:


Nothing Like Us-Chapter Thirty Five

Selena stumbled across the streets, she couldn't believe what was actually happening! She's pregnant and she couldn't do anything about it. She was planning on coming back to London to tell Harry but she doesnt him to feel obligated to come. Her mind was in a different state, she went to the door knowing its her apartement she took the elevator and got out and went to her door, the door swinged up and her eyes widen " H-Harry?"selena said " I miss you"harry said picking her up. He puts her down and cups her face. He noticed she's been crying " What's wrong?"Harry asked " Is it really you?"she asked poking his dimples making him smile " It's really me"Harry said selena bite her lip holding in her tears as she jumped on him hugging him tightly she had her best friend back " Bridget let me in"harry said making selena look at her " Thanks"selena said. Harry and selena have been in the room of selena, selena wanted to tell him the news, tell him she's pregnant but he beat her to it " I have something for you"Harry said " Really what?"selena asked "here"Harry said grabbing her hand he put in the palm of her hand a Bell charm for her charm bracelet , making selena confused she looked at him " What's this?"selena asked " your know soon enough! But for know its a charm for you lovely bracelet I got you, also Dress good, I have something planned for you tonight"Harry said making selena nod. Right now selena and harry don't know what they are since they basically left everything behind in London but Harry want to tell her he still loves her and wants her back and he has a perfect way. Selena added the charm on and looked at him " I'm glad to see you Harry"selena said " I know"he said making selena roll her eyes " cocky much??"selena asked making him laugh he got up " I'll see you soon!!"Harry said leaving.

Once selena heard the door slam bridget came into her room sitting on her bed she looked at her. Selena looked at her with sadness " I'm pregnant"selena said " Selena that's great"she said making selena shake her head " its not Briggs, I have to raise a baby on my own!"selena cried " tell Harry"she said " No! It will ruin his career! When we go out in telling him to leave! I love Harry but he has a career!"selena cried " if he loves you, you will have the baby! You both will raise it"Briggs said selena got up " Maybe... I have to get ready!! Help me??"selena asked " Sure"she said.

Selena putted on a green short dress,with a beautiful floral patting she put on a lime green heels and a green handbag. She exited downstairs and sees Harry in a black tux he looked so dashing and handsome. " Wow!!"Harry said ruffling his hair " you look amazing"Harry said " did the cat get your tongue"selena smirked " and there's the sel I love"Harry said shaking his head. Selena walked towards him as she almost tripped and fell making Harry catch her " oh, thanks for catching"selena spoke " thanks for being such a great catch"Harry said making selena smile. " so, shall we go?"Harry asked " let's go"selena said. They walked a the way to the Eiffel tower "harry?"selena said " and our dinner awaites"Harry spoke " Where?"selena asked looking around. She got to admit, this was cute and romantic "up!!"he said making selena gasp " you mean up? Like up,up?"selena asked shocked "yup! Let's go"he said he grabbed her hand and they got up to the tower. The wind blowing in her hair, she looked down and everyone seemed like little ants

She absolutely adored it.

She turned around her eyes watery. As Much as she loved this she knew what she had to do. "Selena"harry said putting his hands rubbing her shoulder " I love you! I don't want to lose you, I care about you, your my best friend and I feel empty without you. I want to be with you, please don't push me away"harry said selena shed a tear " Harry...."selena spoke " What's wrong?"Harry asked " I need to tell you something"selena spoke " What is it?"Harry asked " I'm pregnant"selena cried Harry eyes widen, he stepped a few feets away, his mind was racing she's pregnant?? " what?"Harry whispered, selena cried into the palm of her hands " With who??"Harry asked hurt " Harry.... Your the father.... I only slept with you"selena cried Harry sadness soon left instead a smile crept upon his face " I'm so sorry, I don't need you to help me with him/her, you can go. It's okay ha--"selena eyes widen as she feels Harrys lips upon her lips. He pulled away, selena looked at him shocked " do you really think you being pregnant will get rid of me? Selena I told you I love you and even if this baby wasn't mine I would still be with you. I'm happy this baby is mine, this means our friendships and relationships god gave us the best gift ever.... A child"Harry spoke selena was still crying " I Can't have this child, Harry I'm not ready to be a mother, I'm not even married! Were not ready to be parents"selena spoke " Marry Me?"Harry said causing selena to look at him shocked "What? Harry your crazy"selena spoke " I'm crazy for you.... Selena marry me?"Harry spoke again " For real?"selena asked " yes! I want you, our child Marry me?"Harry asked again selena nodded " Yes"selena said jumping onto him kissing his pink plump lips.

1 Month later

"Aah, its cold"selena shrieked while the doctors applied the glucose on her stomach, her hands never left Harry. " Okay! So mum and dad, your having...oh"the doctor said " What?? Omg something bad happen?"selena asked "no! Your having...Twins"the doctor said selena and Harry jaw dropped " what's the gender?"Harry asked " uh... Look like....Twin boys"the doctor said making Harry yell in happiness " in being a father selena!!!"Harry shouted kissing her head.

Month(S) Later

"Aahhhh"selena screamed once she heard crying a smile came upon her lips. Harry kissed her lips " you did great"Harry said they placed both baby's on her chest making selena hold the babys " what's the name?"Anne asked " Looks like Annabel has a friend"Eleanor said making them both laugh " well, me and Harry are name one, I think I'm naming this little guy....Sebastian Edward Styles"selena said " Sebastian that's a cutte name!!! Awww"Gemma gushed " How about you idiot?"Gemma asked Harry " I'll ignore that comment. I really like the name Benjamin Styles"Harry said "Sebastian and Benjamin.....Perfect"selena smiled Harry leanned in and kissed her lips.

There's nothing like us, There's nothing like you and me, Together through the storm. There's nothing like us, There's nothing like you and me, Together, oh

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