Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: Hey guys, so, this chapter will not really have much harlena moments because it is all about eleanour, hope you guys enjoy!!


Nothing Like Us-Chapter Twenty-Five

Everyone was getting ready, louis was greeting his guest with a handshake and hugs. he was wearing a black suit with a white rose on his pocket on his Left. everyone was complementing on his suit, you could tell he was nervous by the way he was touching his palm,it was getting sweaty and he was stumbling on his words not making much sense " How are you feeling"Louis dad asked him " nervous, but good"louis said smiling louis dad patted his back " thats good son, im happy for you'he said " thanks dad"he said getting up and walking around, the venue was beautiful, it was sunny out but not that hot, you could hear the waves crash, the whole venue was outside on the beach, we booked it all, the birds where chirping there was chairs outside in white people sitting down and talking amoung eachother, there was an alter where the bride and groom will stand. the boys came down and started greeting everyone, the boys was wearing a black suit and dress shoes. Liam walked towards louis and smiled " you okay mate? you look sick?"liam asked worried the boys came towards them looking at louis, he catched his breath and nodded " im fine, im scared"louis admitted " why?"zayn asked " what if she doesnt show up?"louis asked "mate, she will she loves you, you dont have to worry about anything" Niall said " Niall right mate, you both love eachother and your both really strong, she will be there"Harry said patting his back " go check on them"louis said " okay, i dont mind i need to see my princess"harry said walking away to the house that infront of them, it was like a small cabin. he knocked on the door and danii answered "ugh, selena your boyfriends is here"danii shouted making selena come which took harry breath away, she was wearing a long blue silky dress that showed off her curvys perfectly. harry started scrating his neck and messing his curls "Wow, you"harry said she just took his breath away " wait until you see the bride"selena said pecking his lips for some odd way he just loved the way she kissed him and she didnt care who looked "wait"she said looking at him " why are you here? dont tell me louis chicked out, ill kill him"selena said and she looked for real " dont worry, he send me to check, did i ever tell you look good in blue"harry said " no, and were fine"she said " well, you look...gooood"he said making her laugh " your such a freak"she said " okay"harry said pulling selena hand outside " hi"he said "hi"selena said back smiling " you know i just want to rip that off you"he said making selena wide her eyes " inappropriate styles"selena said hitting his chest " cant blame a guy"he said pinning her to the wall kissing her but for selena she kissed him back and they pulled away " okay, i got to go"he said selena caught her breath "yeah, me to"she said opening the door and entered the place making harry smile and walk to louis "well?, by the way saw your little scene, everyone did"louis remarked " good, now they all now shes mine"he said smiling " and eleanor is fine"harry said making louis sigh in relief.

' He wanted to cancel"eleanor said slumping down on the couch with her wedding dress on, it was a simple white wedding gown (Picture on the side) " he just wanted to make sure if you were okay"selena said sitting next to her " okay, oh god im soo scared, how do i look?"she asked "perfect" perrie said " beautiful"demi said " stunning"danii said " you look amazing, like someone whos in love and about to get marry to her night and shiny armor"selena said they all did a group hug and got ready " demi, is your little sister ready?"eleanor asked "yeah, lets do this"demi remarked, once the wedding song came on demi, Perrie and danielle came down with white roses following selena, she turned around " your do great"she mouthed and winked and walked down, her eyes landed onto harry and harry smile grew huger. madsion, demi little sister started throwing red peddles down the aisle and then the bride came, Louis jaw dropped by just seeing his wife in a simple white gown, her wind blwoing in her hair making her dress flow, it fitted perfetly, her smile was beautiful just seeing louis standing there was all she wanted she could wait to get marry to him 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the man said smiling, louis cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips as he picked her up bridal style making her giggle they walked down the aisle, Eleanor still in his arms, the guest was throwing rose peddles at them they got in the car and waved to everyone " I'll meet you guys at the dinner hall"Eleanor said closing the door and driving off. Everyone went to Dinner Hall, the place was huge, the lights were blue, the tables in light blue and white on the chairs, there was small simple pictures of the bride and groom together and some baby pictures, there was white and red flowers everywhere, it was a beautiful place. The bride and groom came out holding hands making the crowd clap, They did there first dance as a married couple, they cut the cake there was a small speech, Harry was asked and he did a pretty good job, the parents of the groom did a speech aswell making them cry and so did the bride and groom giving thank for everyone to come. They cut the cake although Eleanor splatted the cake piece on Louis face making him only to kiss Eleanor causing them both to have cake smuttered on there face.

The ending of the night was pretty much all dancing, Everyone was dancing although when the bride and groom danced they left space in the middle for them. Selena and Harry danced but was interrupted by Eleanor because she wanted to dance with him since Eleanor was the first he talked to out of the girls except for selena. Louis danced with selena since they are pretty close. Demi little sister wanted to dance with Harry making selena sit down and watch them dance, she had this huge smile on her face that lighted up in the room, Harry looked at selena and bended down to Madison level " Can I go dance with selena and I promise I'll dance with you after?"Harry asked " promise?"she asked sticking out her pinky " promise"harry said smiling sticking out his pinky. He got up and went to selena " Wanna dance?"Harry asked " But Of course"selena said getting up and they started to sway to the beat of the song. Everyone was outside, waving goodbye to Eleanor and Louis, Eleanor thew the bouquet and landed into Perrie arms only making zayn quickly hide making Perrie glare at him. They got in to the car which said on the window blinds

' Just Married'

Once they got in they looked at eachother " I can't wait to spend my whole life with you"Louis said staring into Eleanor Brown eyes making her smile " I really do love you Louis"she said " I love you"he said back to her pecking her lips as he handed her a plane ticket " What's this?"Eleanor asked " you asked where we are going for our honeymoon well..."he said motioning her to look inside, she looked inside and a huge smile appeared on her lips " Spain?  Where going to Spain?"she asked " I thought it might be romantic"he said making her jump on his laps her arms around his neck " its perfect, I love you"she said kissing his lips. Right now they were on the way to Spain for there honeymoon, They will be staying there for 1 Months.

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