Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: Okay, so the only reason why I'm updating is because of a special reader( you know who you are XD) THANKS HUN!!! 

Also, there a mature content please don't read if your the age of 13 or younger, if you do read, please read at your own risk!

Here's another chapter! Hope you enjoy!!


Nothing Like Us-Chapter Twenty-Seven

I never really introduced Selena house maid, Mary Flores was a young women the age of 18 was when she first started working for selena parents, she was this Hispanic women with a warm heart. She took care of selena when she was a child! She watched over her and Harry hanging together!. She now 38 years old. She had Brown long hair, a nice tan colour which was her actual colour!. She opened the door of selena seeing her sleep in her bed. A smile crept upon her lips, she grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around her petite body and picked up the clothes that was on the ground putting it in the basket and walked out, since selena doesn't have a family. Mary thinks selena is a daughter she always wanted! She always protected her although there was one thing she regret and wishes she could take back. She headed to the laundry room and added selena clothes to the washing machine and headed to the living room and picked up the garbage that was on the floor putting it in the trash " Morning Mary"selena said yawning " morning Ms.Gomez! How was your sleep?"Mary asked " Again, call me selena! I'm fine! Here, let me help you"selena offered bending down picking up the garbage " Thank you! I'll make you breakfast right now"Mary said finishing the garbage.

Selena followed Mary to the kitchen and saw her wash her hands with soap and water as she did the same thing " its kinda said how I don't remember you, wanna help me remember?"selena asked " I watched over you! When your mom was alive and.....dead!"Mary said you could hear the pain in her voice, Mandy and Mary where really close before " so, your like my guardian Angel! Cool!! Do you Have any kids?"selena asked " Yeah! He's all grown up through"she said taking out waffles and blueberries and Raspberry, once she cooked the waffles. Mary cut up the fruits as selena went to the fridge looking for something " Have you se--"Selena asked turning around seeing Mary holding the whipped cream " Whipped cream"selena laughed she sprayed the whipped cream on the waffles adding the fruits on her plate handing it to her " Thank you"selena said smiling " your welcome! So you and Harry are together now?"Mary asked " Haha, yeah!"selena said smiling " I always seen you guys so close, I seen your friendship grow stronger and stronger! I'm glad you guys found eachother!"she said making selena smile " yeah! I'm happy"she said " but... You don't know if you love him"she said making selena put her spoon Down, she had the whipped cream in her mouth, once she swallowed the cream she looked down " I don't know if I love him"she said looking up at Mary " I love him as a friend but I don't know if I actually love him, Harry told me her loved me!"she said " How do you know if you love that person"she asked. Mary smiled " when your with the person, your know!"she said walking away " Mary?"selena said she turned around " thanks for hearing me out"she said " it was a pleasure"Mary said leaving! 

" I miss Eleanor"selena winned " I miss Louis! You don't see me complaining"Harry spoke earning a glare from selena, selena was inbetween harrys leg, he was playing with selena curls while watching the tv " I wonder, how are they doing"selena wondered  " Fine! He's problemly getting laid"he spoke " Harrryyy!!!"selena shrieked hitting him arm causing him to laugh

New Reporter: Breaking news, looks like there was an escape in the England jail cell! A man name Diego has escaped! If you see him please call 911 do not approach because he could be armed

Selena looked at the tv that caught her attention ' England jail cell' that was the jail cell her dad was in " Wow"selena spoke all of a sudden she heard a crash, selena immediately got up and turned around seeing Mary shocked, the tray of tea fell from her hand and shattered on the ground " Mary?"Selena spoke " I'm sorry! I'll pick that up!!"Mary said "It's okay! You okay though? Do you know Diego?"selena asked "uh...He's my son"Mary said making them both wide there eyes " I'm sorry what???"selena spoke she couldn't believe her eyes or ears! All of a sudden we heard a knock on the door, selena walked over to the door and sees 2 policeman just like when she was told her father died " Hi"she said swallowing her saliva " selena! Were here to see Mary Flores! She lives here right?"The police asked making her nod she moved aside and let him in.

They all took a seat! Selena watched the policeman ask Mary questions about her son! She never believed this actually happened, her mind was filled with lots of things. Once the police got up they left. Selena looked at Mary " I put him in jail"Mary said selena didn't want to ask why but she had to, this was her worker " Why?"she asked " He was a dangerous man! He tried to kill me! I had to do what was right!"Mary said making selena nod " its okay! This place is secure! Noone can come in"selena said speaking truthfully. "Thank"Mary said she smiled and nodded " go get some rest"selena offered.Mary nodded leaving to her room leaving selena and Harry

"You Okay? Want me to stay?"Harry asked " no, I'm fine!! You should get home! I'll come by Later on"selena said kissing his lips " Okay! Call me, I love you"he said making her smile, he got up and selena walked to him holding the door " Bye beautiful!"he said smiling showing off his dimples and perfect pearly whites " Bye"selena said laughing she tipped toe and kissed his lips but Harry picked her up and pinned her against the wall, she Parten her lips alittle and Harry sticked his tongue in and there tongue explored eachother, selena pulled away holding onto his chest " Bye"she said catching his breath. Harry smirked " Bye"he said quickly kissing her lips and left!

Selena closed the door, a smile formed on her lips, she walked upstairs to her room, once she closed her door. She saw her balcony open, she walked over to the balcony about to close it but someone showed up, selena gasped by seeing the guys face, she let out a screem as the man covered her mouth, she was breathing heavily. " who knew my mother would work for Ricardo daughter"Diego said making selena wide her eyes he let's his hand off her mouth as selena screamed again " scream as much as you can! Noone will hear you love! My mother my wretched mother is unconscious"Diego said causing selena to wide her eyes, she made a run for it to her door but Diego pulled her hair and threw her on the bed, she let out a huge scream hoping someone would hear her, hoping someone would save her " Wow! Your fit!"he said checking out her body " you know! Your father died by protecting you"he said she widen her eyes in horror, he killed her father! He was the murderer of her father! " know let me accomplish what I told him"he said let's go of her mouth once again " your a monster!"selena shouted " call me whatever you want princess! Tell me, your a virgen?"he asked selena didn't say anything " Perfect"he said.

Selena caused a fight! She kept punching him, but that didn't stop him, he ripped her shirt open, seeing her black bra " Fuck"he cursed seeing her perfect body, he started kissing her neck, selena couldn't do anything, he started to unbuckle his belt selena knew what was going to happen and she sure as hell didn't want to lose her virginity to a creep that killed her father she slapped him across the face and kneed his balls, he grunted and fell down, selena made a run for it but again she was to slow that he picked her up and put her on the bed, selena was on the bed, her back was towards him, he stripped her shorts that she had on and saw black panties " Fuck"he cursed even more, since he was hovering her she could feel his bulge in her bum, he took off his pants and took out his dick, he pulled down her panties " I'm going to enjoy this"he said licking his lips, he put his dick in her bum making selena scream in pain " he kept going faster and faster making selena cry, tears flowing down her face, she wanted someone to save her, anyone, he turned her around, her panties were off, he carressed her face and started kissing her neck, selena was hitting him begging him to stop but he kept laughing at her, he opened her legs wider and smiled " this will hurt alittle"he said smiling wider. He put 2 fingers in her making her scream, once he took out his fingers he licked his fingers and added his dick in her, selena fought him, he grabbed her hands and put them over her hair " trust me your love this"he said as he started pumping into her, the bed was moving and selena was crying, and begging him to stop so bad but he wouldnt listen!  " I told your father I would rape you! He tried to stop me! Pathetic"he said going in faster, once he stopped he grabbed her blanket and wipped the cum and blood off his dick, selena was in pain, he threw her clothes and ordered her to put them on, she was to afraid to see what he will do to her so she listened, she added the clothes, she couldn't walk, her legs were in pain and she could feel blood, she got off her bed and saw a pool of blood! She was not a virgen anymore! That made her cry even more! She saw the window open and saw the man changing, she tried to run but couldn't, so she speeded walk to the window " HELP!!!"selena shouted catching Diego attention " You Bitch"he said he grabbed her hair and slapped her face, her face turned bright red tears flowing down, he picked her up and threw her across the room, she shattered a window, selena head was bleeding, her vision was getting blurry and heavy, her lips were bleeding and he could hear the heavy steps coming towards her he took out a sharp blade and stabbed her on the side, she could feel the sharp blade in her and with that she blacked out

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