Chapter Seven

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A/N: here's another chapter for you guys, I just want to say thanks for the votes! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Nothing Like Us-Chapter Seven

Selena walked downstairs, she was wearing a light blue ripped jean shorts and a black shirt that says ' New York City' her hair was all up in a messy bun. She sees Gemma on the couch as she walked over to her and sat on her lap "Hey"Gemma said laughing as selena kissed her cheek " Why do you act like my brother?"Gemma asked causing selena to shrug at her question. Gemma Look at her outfit and smiled " cute"Gemma said " aww thanks girl"selena said get up and heading towards the kitchen.

She sees Anne making some breakfast "it smells sooo good!"selena said sniffing the food as Anne started laughing " well, it should! Where's Harry?"Anne asked speaking of Harry, selena didn't know where he was he usually always the first one to come from his bedroom "I'll go check"selena said walking towards upstairs.

She opened the door that made a creak and she saw Harry on his bed sleeping, this was the first time Harry actually moved everywhere around the bed, she quietly went to his bedside and started shaking him "Harry, Harry wake up"selena said but he wouldn't budge, he was deep asleep. She let's out an annoying groan and walked out of his room and went to the kitchen, she grabbed a pot and filled it with cold freezing water as selena had her famous Evil Smirk, Gemma and Anne looked at selena as they both grabbed there earbuds and added them on as selena slowly walked upstairs.

Selena opened his room door and was shocked to actually see Harry not there anymore, she was wondering where he went. She closed the door and walked to the bed " Boo"Harry said from behind selena, she jumped and half the water spilled on his bed and floor" What's that?"Harry asked. Selena widen her eyes and tried hiding it " you don't see nothing"selena said trying to hypnotise him by moving her hands on his face as Harry swapped her hand away "I'm not stupid sel! Were you going to get me up by wetting me?"Harry asked "waa noo"selena said hiding her plan as she lightly smiled and started laughing " Yeah, Okay!"selena admitted as Harry grabbed the pot in his hand selena started shouting " No! Don't you dare Harry!" As Harry smiled wickedly " you where going to wet me!"Harry said " Only a drip!"selena said as she ran to Harrys bed and grabbed his pillow Harry started running as he slipped from the water selena drop before and the pot fell on his head, selena covered her mouth because she didn't expect that at all. All of a sudden she started bursting into laughter.

Harry got up looking at selena as he walked to her selena was holding onto her stomach because she was laughing way to much! " hahaha!! That Hahahaha was Hahahaha priceless Hahahahaha"selena said inbetween laughter. Harry smiled and walked to her and crushed her into a huge hug as selena started squealing " HARRY GET OFF ME!!!!"selena shouted wiggling herself out "No! I like it better like this"Harry said as he turned her around and fell on the bed with her at the bottom " your crushing me"selena said heavily, as Harry was taking away her oxygen "Ahem!"

Harry and selena looked beside them and saw Cara, Harry immediately got off selena " Baby!"Harry said as selena got off " its so not what it looks like"selena said fixing herself " really? Because it looks like you guys were doing something"Cara said crossing her arms "Sex? Baby we weren't even having sex. I mean if we would we would of have made noises"Harry said causing selena to get very uncomfortable "Okay! That's my cue to go!"selena said walking away as she walked out of the door and headed downstairs and went to Gemma and Anne who was sitting down on the couch " I didn't know cara was coming over"selena said curious to why she's here, she took a seat and looked at them " we didn't either! She just came over"Gemma said "well that's rude! Why did you let her in?"selena asked " we didn't! She let herself in"Gemma said " Anne this is your house! Harry is under your rules, you could've kicked her out"selena said " yeah! But that's rude and you know Harry...Brat alart!"Anne said making selena laugh " Okay!"Selena said as she got up " tell Harry, im coming out! I need something"selena said as she put on her shoes and grabbed her leather jacket and walked out the door.

Harry was in his room with Cara going ballistic " I don't understand why your with her"cara said to Harry clearly saying she doesnt like selena " she's my best friend!"Harry said " you can make new best friends Harry"cara said " no! Selena my girl! Look cara I understand you don't like her and she doesn't like you but your my girlfriend and you need to be okay with that fact selena is a HUGE part of my life or you can walk out of my life"Harry said cara didn't expect that at all, she walked up to him as she crashed her lips onto his it didn't take any minute for them to have a make out session " I guess that's a yes!"Harry said smiling as cara nodded " I'm not letting you go to easily!"cara said " So, I'm having a pool party! Wanna come as my date"cara asked " is that an invitation?"Harry asked and cara nodded " But of Course!"cara said " and to show you im...trying to be okay with selena, bring her along"cara said "oh no! She's afraid of water"Harry said as cara smiled Evily " Really? That's a huge bummer"cara said as cara already had a plan to break Harry and her up

Selena waited until they brought out her dad. As much as selena wanted Harry here, he just couldn't come because of Cara, the guards opened the gates and selena saw her father right there she regreted coming, she got up and walked away, she couldn't do it " don't leave Hija" selena turned around, noone not even Harry calls her hija only her father did, she wanted to burst into tears. Selena looked at her father who eyes were filled with sadness "Okay"selena said as she went back and took a seat, she wanted to hear him out and also she wanted to see him

Selena and Ricardo kept exchanging looks as it was silent, selena was playing with her fingers,as she opened her mouth to speak " So you and Harry are friends?"she asked " uh-Huh"he said making selena nod " selena.."Ricardo said causing selena to look up at him " I didn't kill your mother, I loved her way to much"Ricardo said, selena was searching for a lie in his eyes or action but she didn't find any so that caused her to smile " I believe you"selena said smiling as Ricardo face lit up and smiled " you do?"he asked he looked shocked but he was so glad selena believes him "yup! But mostly because Harry trustes you!"selena said " Harry is a good guy! You guys dating?"Ricardo asked " whaatt!!! Nooo where just best friends"selena said " Okay!"Ricardo said " Okay! Well I got to go!"selena said getting up " And dad"selena said looking at Ricardo as he turned to face her " it was really nice to see you dad"selena said as she walked off


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Picture- Selena Outfit!


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