Chapter Fifteen

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Everything was all a blur, selena didn't understand any of it! She was in her own little world. She was frozen, she has stopped crying but her eyes were red shot red and every single time she was at the verge of crying she would always shed a tear, she hasn't spoken to anyone not even to Harry. Sure he was there always comforting her, talked to her but she didn't speak. Selena was right now on the couch staring in thin space, its been 3 hours that she's been like this. Harry was next to her not once did he leave her. The cops left and told Anne selena can come anytime to see the body and identify that its her father but selena didn't want to see his body. Harry didn't want selena to see his body either because he knows how selena will react so he send his mum and sister. It was only selena and Harry in the room the door opened and Harry turned his head but selena was in the same position. The way Anne and Gemma looked at Harry he knew it was selena parents " I'm sorry"Anne said selena closed her eyes knowing her father is truly dead and will never see him again. She shed a tear as Harry looked at her he brought his hand up and wipped her tears and held her hand tightly rubbing her back.

After all selena and Ricardo has been through she missed him. Even though they recently just talked she knows in her heart she won't be able to talk to him and she couldn't handle that. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to tell him about her graduations ceremony! How she was the Valedictorian. How she went to prom with Harry! How Harry has always been there for her, how Louis and Eleanor are getting married she had lots to talk to him about but she know she couldn't tell him. She knows he's gone and never coming back and that's what caused her the pain. The pain knowing she won't have a father figure. " Sel?"Harry softly spoke as selena didn't say anything " selena say something!"Harry said as selena stayed quite " he's gone"selena finally spoke voice cracking as she looked at Harry " He's really gone Harry!"selena cried as she put her hands over her mouth and let's out the sobs come out Harry pulled her into a tight embrace.


Two days since selena found out that her father died! Today was the funeral and all her friends are coming to support her but also to say there farewell to Ricardo since they all knew him. Selena added her eyeshadow and a black dress to top up the outfit she added a big black hat that covers her face. Her hair is all the way up and her dangs are hanging down. She wearing her favorite black shoes and walked downstairs and sees Harry in a black suit. Selena walks up to him and hugs him as he doesn't let go " thanks for coming"selena said " of course! I known your father! He always loved you selena! And always will!"Harry said making her take deep breaths so she doesn't cry. She walks out and heads to the funeral.

The funeral was crowned by people she didn't know existed, she saw her family. Cousins " Selena" a lady said catching selena attention " Wow, you have grown up"the lady said making selena confuse to who the hell is she? " I'm Ricardo mom remember? I was there for you 2 birthday?" Ricardo mom said. Selena shutted everyone that was her relatives out of her life " I'm Marie?"the lady said making selena confused " I'm sorry, I don't remember! But thanks for coming"selena said grabbing Harrys hand pushing threw the crowned that was keep apologizing that she couldn't handle, she hated people feeling sorry for her! " Selena!!!"Eleanor shouted as they all ran to selena and Harry hugging her making selena feel love " Thanks for coming!!"selena stated feeling the water works coming up as she looked at Eleanor and Louis as she took deep breaths " I-I know yo-you have"selena said can't even speak as she holded her heart " I know you have the wedding preparation bu-But thanks for coming"selena said " I would always be here selena"Eleanor said hugging her

The whole funeral was full with emotions, people were crying, more crying. They asked selena to say a speech but she denied knowing she will break any time soon! Once the funeral ended and they burried him they all went home. Demi hugged selena into a tight embrace " Amiga, todo el esta. El todavia es Su padre"demi said demi is the only person who can actually speak spanish " thanks girl"selena said hugging her. They all said her goodbyes and left.

Selena,Anne,Gemma and Harry went home. Gemma hugged selena and went to bed and so did Gemma. Harry looked at selena " you okay?"Harry asked as selena nodded " Yeah! Pick me up?"selena asked lifting her arms up. Harry smiled and picked her up bridal style and headed to the room and sat her on the bed selena wrapped her arms around his waist and added her head on his chest as harry held her tightly

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