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Nieve had made plans to go out to lunch after your presentation, but on the war to the car it was almost a unanimous agreement that you were heading back to the apartment - after all, Alex's knuckles needed attention, and there was enough food in the house that Reyes could cook something for lunch. 

When you arrived, the first thing you did was drag Alex up into the bathroom and sit him down on the edge of the sink while you rummaged around in the cabinet for the first aid kit you knew was there. 

"I'm fine, really." Alex insisted again. 

"Your hand looks like you smashed it against a rock." You said, bringing out the first aid kit and popping the plastic case open. Inside were a few bandages, those stick-on stitches, some neosporin and an empty tube of antiseptic cream. You pulled out the neosporin and the bandages. "Give."

You held out your hand for Alex to put his hand in yours. 

Alex slid the wrong hand into yours and laced your fingers together with a mischievous smile.

"Other hand, dummy." You said, wriggling loose from his grip and grabbing the other one. Alex winced slightly and you took his hand, and you frowned. "Does it hurt?"

"It's not that bad." He said. "I don't think anything's broken or anything, it just hurts when my fingers move."

You tutted, and flipped on the sink, running some cold water. You guided Alex's hand underneath, letting the coolness soak into the bruised sink and bone. You moved his fingers around some, so that the joints wouldn't get stiff, before shutting the water off and patting his hand dry with a towel.

"It does look kind of cool, you have to admit." He said as you unwrapped the bandages and laid his hand overtop.

"It looks painful." You said. 

"But cool." Alex insisted. 

You rolled your eyes and opened the tube of neosporin, squeezing some out to smooth over the bruise. You gently rubbed it into Alex's skin, making sure to cover the whole area of the mark. He watched you work methodically with a smile. 

"Maybe you should have been a nurse." He said as you wrapped the bandage around, securing it so that he wouldn't mess things up even more. 

"I don't think I would have been that good." You said. 

"I don't know, you seem like you know what you're doing." Alex said as you packed the first aid kit back up and slid it away, back into the cabinet. "Thanks, by the way."

"It's the least I could do." You said. 

Alex curled his good hand around your wrist and tugged you to him, leaning down from his perch on the sink so that he could press his lips to yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your hands hovered around his shoulders before curling into his shirt as he slid down from his seat and walked you backwards, his lips still sealed against yours. 

Your back hit the wall and you gasped quietly, causing Alex to let out a little huff of a laugh before he dove back in, picking up where he left off. You let him kiss you greedily, the hands you had placed on his shoulders wandering down to his hips and lower back. Alex moved from your lips to under your jaw, trailing little kisses there. 

He sighed headily. "I love you."

You wrapped your arms around his back tighter. "I love you too."

Alex moved to the side of your neck, sinking his teeth in a little and sucking on the spot. You closed your eyes and buried your face into his shoulder, squeezing his hips in your hands. 

A knock on the door interrupted you. Reyes' voice carried through the wall, "Lunch is done whenever you guys are finished."

"We'll be out in a sec." You called back. 

Alex pulled away from your neck with a pop, and you laughed at the sound, knocking his head away playfully. "We were supposed to be fixing bruises, not making new ones."

"Sorry." Alex said sheepishly. "If it makes you feel better, I think it'll look good on you."

"Of course you would." You grumbled, opening the bathroom door and leading the way to the kitchen, where Nieve had set the table, and Reyes was bringing over a plate of delicious looking tamales. 

"This looks great." You said, sliding into one of the barstools and motioning for Alex to sit next to you. He did so, eyeing the tamales hungrily. 

"All bandaged up?" Nieve asked, looking at Alex's bad hand.

"All fixed." He assured her. "Y/N is a great nurse."

"Good." Nieve said, plopping down onto the barstool next to Reyes. "These look delicious love." She knocked her shoulder into Reyes' fondly. 

"It's a new recipe, so you'll have to tell me how they are." Reyes said, dishing out the tamales. As soon as they deposited yours on your plate, you opened it up, breathing in the mouth watering scent.

"Well, they look great." You said.

"Taste great too." Alex said, having already dug in and was now stuffing his face. 

Reyes smiled. "I'm glad you think so."

As you ate and talked, you found yourself thinking back to your first week in Mexico. You had been so nervous that you weren't going to make any friends, or that you would spend your free time just tucked away in Nieve's apartment by yourself. Looking at it now, you had been so, so wrong. 

Across from you, Reyes smiled as Nieve told a story about a crazy client she had taken care of at work. Although Reyes wasn't as talkative or extroverted as Nieve, you had bonded with them anyway, and in the end, they were really the one who had saved your project. Without their suggestion, you would have just wallowed about your inevitable failing grade instead of taking things into your own hands.

Next to Reyes, Nieve was talking with her hands, excitedly regaling the table with funny stories. You had already known her, but after this trip, you felt like you actually knew her now. She had been the one to drag you out dancing and drinking and forced you to have all that fun - and you were grateful. Nieve had made this trip the enjoyable experience you wanted it to be.

And Alex. You leaned your head on his shoulder with a smile. You hadn't expected anything like him when you first arrived, but god were you glad that he had walked into your life. He was everything you'd ever wanted and more - he was a miracle. He tilted his head so that his cheek rested on top of your head and looped an arm around your waist. 

As you looked at the table around you, you couldn't imagine anywhere else you would rather be. 

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