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You were warm, and there was a blanket around you. As you gained more consciousness, you could feel your arm draped around something warm, rising and falling steadily. Breath. You pressed into the warmth more, your cheek nestling into hair. As last night's events came back to the forefront of your mind, you pieced together where you were. 


You let out a heady sigh, smiling as you cuddled into him more, his back pressed up against your chest, and one of your legs swung over his hips. You hadn't really meant to fall asleep here, but after eating and watching the rest of that movie, you hadn't really been able to stop yourself from passing out on his bed. 

You felt a little bit bad - you hadn't really meant to stay overnight, and you were sure Nieve would be a little worried about why you didn't come home but... this was nice. Waking up warm, and comfortable and secure and with him... you wouldn't trade this moment for anything. 

 Under your arm, Alex shifted, waking up as well. "Hey." His voice was thick and raspy as he flipped over in your arms. 

"Hi." You said, shifting forward so that you could lock your lips together with his. 

After a moment, Alex pulled away to rest his forehead against yours. 

"Sorry for passing out on you." You said softly. "I promise I didn't mean to crash here-"

"It's fine." Alex said. "I'm actually kind of glad you did."

"Me too." You said. "Now I get to tell the entire internet that you're a little spoon-"

"Wait, wait that's too far." Alex said. "You can't-"

"I can." You said, digging around the blankets for your phone. You were about to grab it when Alex snuck a hand out and snatched it up first.

"Can't let you do that." Alex said playfully. "I have a reputation-"

"And I have blackmail." You said, making a dive for your phone. 

Alex curled his entire body around the phone and wriggled into the corner of the bed. You crawled after him, trying to wiggle one of your hands around to grab it, but Alex batted them away. 

"Nope, nope, nope." He said. "Promise you're not going to say anything and I'll give it back."

"You expect me to just not say anything when I wake up and you're being adorable?" You said, laughing as you tried to pry your phone out of his hands. "Think of the fans, Alex! Think of the children!"

"The children already make fun of me for being short, I don't want them to make fun of me for being a little spoon too!" Alex said, twisting around so it made it harder for you to reach his phone. 

You could see that you weren't going to be able to get your phone back using for so you backed off, draping your body over his back and resting your chin on his shoulder. You sighed dramatically. "I mean, I was going to get us breakfast since you were nice and let me stay over, but I can't really do that without my phone..."

Alex turned slightly. "...You were going to get us breakfast?"

You smiled to yourself. "I was. But I guess not anymore-"

Alex handed your phone and looked at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to open your phone and order food. 

Instead, you turned away and hopped off the bed, opening Twitter as you scurried to the other side of the room to tweet about how Alex was a little spoon. 

Alex leapt off the bed as well. "Hold on-" He made a dive for you, reaching for your phone but you held it above your head, craning your neck to see as you typed out the tweet. 

You finished the tweet and sent it off as Alex tackled your legs from the other side, sending you falling back down onto the bed. "Too late!" You said. "It's posted!"

Alex flopped on top of you dramatically, forcing all of the breath out of you at once. "How could you do this to me?" He whined, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "Everyone is going to make fun of me on Twitter now!"

"It was inevitable." You said, laughing. "They were going to find out one way or another-"

"I can't believe this." He whined. "The very person I love, turned against me when I'm most vulnerable!" 

You giggled and pushed him aside so that you could sit up. "You love me?"

"Well maybe not anymore." Alex grumbled, sitting up as well. 

You pouted, turning to look Alex in the eye. 

Alex pursed his lips. "Fine, yeah."

You grinned, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. He intercepted it though, locking his lips with yours instead and using one hand to push you back down on the bed. The moment was broken though when his phone started to buzz. 

Alex pulled away and sighed. "If it's Karl, I swear to god-" He reached over to grab his phone. 

You pulled out yours as well, checking your missed notifications from last night. Nieve had texted you later on, asking if you were staying over, and you texted her back a quick apology for not responding, letting her know that you were fine. You felt kind of bad for not bothering to let her know you were staying over, but it was kind of unplanned. 

Alex groaned, holding his phone. "How did everyone find your tweet already, you only just  tweeted it!" He plopped back down onto the bed beside you. 

"What are they saying?" You asked with a mischievous grin, leaning over to see his screen. 

It was displaying a tweet from Karl, replying to your original and @ing Alex, a simple 'dis u?' that had already gotten a fair amount of likes and retweets. You chuckled to yourself - it was pretty funny. 

"Don't laugh at my pain." Alex said. 

"Would breakfast make up for it?" You asked, resting your chin on his shoulder. 

You could feel Alex hesitating, his mocking anger melting away.

"I mean..." He smiled. "If you're offering..."

You just laughed and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now