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The apartment was bustling when you arrived home. Nieve and Reyes were ducking from the bathroom into their shared bedroom, back and forth, both of them half dressed. From their clothes, it was obvious that they were going out again tonight. 

You deposited your bag in your room before investigating, stopping Reyes before they could disappear into the bathroom again. "You're playing again tonight?"

"No, Nieve just wanted to go out." Reyes said. 

"Is that Y/N?" Nieve called from the bathroom. "Babe, you should come with us!" 

You hovered in the hallway. You had wanted to work on the project some more in the peace and quiet of your own room... but a little break would be much appreciated. And it couldn't hurt really - there was so much time between now and midterms. 

"Yeah alright." You said. 

Nieve cheered from the bathroom. "Get changed into something cute, we're going dancing!"

You smiled and ducked back into your room, heading over to your closet and grabbing something cute, yet comfortable. From Nieve's stories, you knew dancing could get... sweaty. 

After changing you squeezed into the bathroom and let Nieve apply makeup to your face, just letting her have her way with the brushes. You trusted her sense of style and knew that whatever she decided would look good in the end. 

From there, you grabbed your wallet and headed to the car with Reyes and Nieve. It was nice to not be crammed into the backseat for once, and you stretched out along all three seats with a smile, laughing along with Nieve. Sometime along the drive, the question came up. 

"You should text your boy and tell him to come meet us." Nieve said. 

You sat up and leaned forward a little. "Really?"

"Yes!" Nieve said. "I've been dying to meet him, and it could be fun! Like a double date."

You turned the thought over in your head. He was probably streaming, but it couldn't hurt to ask. "What's the name of the place?"

Nieve cheered and handed you her phone, where the address was already pulled up. You sent a copy of it to yourself and then wrote off a text to Alex, attaching the link.

hey my cousin her partner and i are going dancing. u wanna come????

As expected, he texted you back fairly quickly. 

sure im not streaming tonight. meet u there soon?

You smiled. 

!!! yes

"He's going to meet us there." You said. 

Nieve squealed. "I'm so excited!"

The rest of the car ride was filled with pestering questions - what he looked like (they would both see when you got there), if he was nice (you thought he was very nice), if he was a good kisser (yes), if he was tall (you declined to answer), if he had a nice butt (again, they would see when you got there).

Eventually, the car pulled into a parking space outside a large building. There was a long line stretching out from the door that you, Nieve and Reyes joined. You were more concerned with looking for Alex though, craning your neck over the crowds of people waiting to get inside. 

You shot him a quick text as well. 

we're in line when u get here

You were a little nervous - what if Nieve or Reyes didn't really like him, or if Alex didn't really like Nieve or Reyes? Part of you was sure it would be fine - Alex was a sweetheart - but the other half couldn't help but worry. 

Eventually, you got a text back.

i see u :)

Your head snapped up, searching the immediate area. You didn't spot him until he was standing right in front of you, because you had been searching for a beanie, and he had his hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

"Hi." You said, wrapping him up in a hug. "You have hair."

"I do have hair." He replied.

Nieve turned around at his voice. "Oh! Y/N you didn't tell me you were seeing Rosa's boy!"

You spun around to face Nieve as the line moved forward. "You know him?"

"His mom comes to get her hair done from me." She said, smiling at Alex. "Alex, right?"

He nodded. 

Nieve tugged Reyes by the elbow. "This is my partner Reyes, and I'm Nieve." Reyes smiled and nodded at Alex. 

Nieve kept the conversation flowing as the line moved forward, asking Alex about school and what he did and teasing both of you about being adorable and soon enough you were inside the building, moving through a throng of people.

The music was heavy and sensual, and as soon as you were on the dancefloor Nieve started to move her hips, leading Reyes in a complicated dance. You watched them, a nervous pit opening up in your stomach.

"Don't tell me we have to do that." You said. 

"Don't worry, we'll start simple." Alex said, placing one hand on your hip and lacing your fingers with his in the other. He walked backward  until you were in the center of the floor, leading you along. 

"Just follow my lead." He said, starting to move. 

You watched his feet, stepping back when he stepped forward, moving left and right with him. Around you, couple were doing the same, only more complicated. 

"I should have studied Latin dance before I came here." You joked. 

Alex spun you around. "Don't worry about it, you're doing great."

He continued to lead you in the dance until you got the hang of it. From there it was simple - you moved in sync with Alex and the music, and did your best not to stumble when he threw a more complicated move at you. Once you had the simple footing down though, it was easy. 

Eventually the music changed to something slower, and Alex pulled you closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder and smiled up at him. 

"Kiss me?" You asked. 

Alex rolled his eyes, mockingly exasperated, and leaned down to seal his lips to yours. 

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now