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You just couldn't bring yourself to confront Tercero. You would see him in class twice weekly, and every time your mind would replay Nieve's words, telling you that you should say something, but you then you would remember how he had gotten all moody and closed off and you would just keep to yourself. 

He still hadn't added anything new to his part of the project and it was killing you. 

You tried not to focus too much on that though, instead trading in the time you had used to work on your portion of the project to pick up a few more hours at work instead. The extra money was nice to have, and you really didn't hate working there. Over time, the cafe had become a little safe place for you.

Still, more hours meant that you got home later. As you left the cafe, you paused for a moment to breathe in the night air. There was just something different about the feel of the world after the sun was setting. 

You made your way home quickly, the route familiar, as you had to have walked it hundreds of times before. You were looking forward to getting home tonight. There was no homework to be done for once, and  you were just planning to kick back in bed and catch up on some American TV you'd been missing out on. 

You opened the door to the apartment and stepped inside, letting it quietly swing shut behind you. Surprisingly, the lights were off, and no one was in the living room or the kitchen. You tried to recall if Nieve or Reyes had said they were going out this evening, but you couldn't place anything. 

You made your way to your room to drop off your bag, noticing that Reyes and Nieve's door was closed. That was strange - it was usually open.

You were about to open it when you heard a soft moan from the other side of the wood. Your hand hovered in the air before you ducked into your room.

Oh god. 

You whipped out your phone, texting Alex. 

r u busy rn??!!

His reply was immediate.

im streaming w karl but whats up

You tapped back a reply. 

would u mind if i came over for a bit????? my cousin is kinda having sex rn

Your phone buzzed in your hand. 

shit yeah sure lmao

You breathed a sigh of relief and changed out some of the items in your bag, leaving the apartment as quickly and as quietly as you had arrived. Your phone buzzed just as you closed the door behind you and you checked it, seeing Alex had sent his address. 

You leaned against the wall next to the door, just processing for a moment. You began to laugh to yourself, giggling at the sheer awkwardness. Its not like you hadn't accidentally almost walked in on people having sex before (you were a college student for Christs sake) but your gut reaction... was kind of really funny. 

Still, you would rather not be in the apartment when Nieve and Reyes were having sex. 

You opened your phone and plugged the address Alex had sent you into your navigation app. It was within walking distance and you popped your earbuds in before heading off, shooting a quick text to Nieve about where you were headed as well. Hopefully she had her phone silenced.

You switched your playlist to something more fitting for a walk in the night, and let the tension drain from your shoulders, just walking. It was good that you'd had no plans or homework tonight - you wouldn't want to be sitting in your room, trying to focus on school with Reyes and Nieve in the background.

And now you would get to hang out with Alex. Win win. 

You passed a stray cat on the side of the road and stopped for a moment, scratching behind it's ears. The cat began to purr, pressing it's head into the palm of your hand. You left it with one last scritch and than continued on your way, a small smile on your face. 

Your phone guided you along the way until you were standing in front of a squat but homey house. You shot a quick text to Alex that you were out front and made your way to the door, taking your earbuds waiting for Alex to appear. 

When he opened the door, you smiled. "Hi, sorry about texting last minute." 

"Not a problem." He said, opening the door wider so that you could walk in. "You know you could call anytime."

You stepped into the house, letting Alex close the door after you. "Yeah, but you were streaming- are streaming? Are you still streaming?"

"Uh, yeah." Alex said, glancing towards a door to the left. "Karl's keeping the chat entertained right now, I told them there was someone at the door." He paused. "Would you be okay coming on stream? I wouldn't ask if there was somewhere else for you to go, but you know, my room is where I stream-"

"Yeah, I would be okay with that." You said. "Um, would you be okay? Would your fans be weird about it?"

"I don't think so." Alex said. "I might have already told them I got a girlfriend anyway?"

"You told your stream?" You laughed. 

Alex shrugged sheepishly. "I was excited, and I didn't really mean to, but I wanted to tell Karl and I didn't know he was streaming so now they kind of know. Sorry. I should have asked if you were okay with that though."

You giggled again. "It's fine, I kind of knew that people were going to find out anyway. It's kind of weird that the whole internet is going to know me as your girlfriend though."

"You're really alright with that?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah. Whats the worst that could happen?"

"They could cancel you on Twitter if they find some vaguely offensive shit from 2011." He said. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm clear." You said. Alex still looked nervous though, so you grabbed his hand tugging him forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. 

He smiled, keeping his eyes closed even as you pulled back. "Yeah, okay." 

"Okay?" You laughed. 

He grinned, opening the door to his room. 

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now