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You and Alex had quite literally danced the night away. As the hours went by, you got more and more comfortable with the steps until you and Alex were keeping up with Nieve and Reyes, spinning around the floor with a smile. 

You'd tumbled into bed around three in the morning and fallen asleep grinning like an idiot. You were hopelessly in love with this boy, and the night had been magical.

Unfortunately, not every day could be plucked straight from your dreams, and you woke in the morning with class on the agenda and rain pouring down in sheets from the sky. 

But, like an angel from the heavens, Nieve was there with a hot cup of coffee to offer you a ride to school.

You slid into the front seat of her car, clutching the mug she had handed you as you went out the door, your bag balanced in your lap as she backed out of the parking space in front of the building. 

"Jesus." She said, one arm resting on the back of your seat as she tried to peer through the back windshield. "This rain is brutal."

You hummed in agreement, sipping at your drink gently. A quick glance in the rearview mirror at your face revealed dark circles under your eyes. You looked kind of dead - but after dancing for five hours and sleeping for three, you were feeling it too. Thankfully, you only had Classics today, and then you could head back to the apartment for a hearty nap. 

You caught Nieve's eye in the reflection as she started down the road and she smiled. She was looking tired as well, but somehow it looked better on her.

"If I had remembered you had class today I would have dragged you home sooner." She said, lips pressed into an apologetic smile.

You shrugged, sipping at your coffee again. "I was having fun, and one day won't kill me."

"Oh we saw." Nieve said, her thin smiled turning into a wide grin. "You were rubbing all over that boy-"

You felt your face heat up violently and you brought your coffee mug up to hide behind. "Don't say it like that." You said.

Nieve laughed. "What, what's wrong? It's a good thing! You were enjoying yourself!"

"You make it sound so vulgar." You said, peering out from behind the edge of the cup. "We were just dancing."

Nieve grinned at you. "Just dancing is a stretch."

You rolled your eyes, taking a large gulp of coffee. "You shouldn't talk, you and Reyes were basically having sex on the dancefloor."

"And I'm not embarrassed about it." Nieve said, pointedly looking at you. 

You sat in companionable silence for a moment as Nieve came to stop at a light. The rain was still coming down like bullets from the sky, but there was a certain beauty to it, as it made the car feel like a little abode, tucked away from the downpour.

"Seriously though." Nieve said. "Rosa is a good woman, and the way she talks about Alex, I'm sure he's a good boy. If you're going to have a little semester fling, you picked a good one."

You sipped at your coffee again. "I'm glad you approve."

"Well, not that I wouldn't approve of someone that you were seeing, but I'm glad that it's someone I sort of know." Nieve said, starting forward again as the light changed. 

The rest of the ride was quiet as you drank your coffee and listened to the rain outside. Nieve switched on the radio at some point, and the soft static of Spanish pop music filled the car as you drove. You were almost asleep when the vehicle stopped outside of your Classics building. 

"What time does your class end?" Nieve asked as you downed the rest of your coffee before dropping the mug into the cupholder. 

"It's an hour and a half usually." You said. 

Nieve nodded. "I'll come back around if it's still raining." She said, unlocking the door for you. "Have a good day!"

You ducked outside with a smile and dashed off towards the door, ignoring the water soaking into your back and trying to protect your bag from the weather. It was only a short dash to the door, but by the time you made it inside the building, you were considerably damp. 

You headed to the hall, shaking some of the stray drops out of your hair. Tercero was in his usual seat, the hood of his sweatshirt pulled up over his head. He looked up when you sat down.

"You're wet." He said. 

"Yeah, well..." You gestured out the window.

He laughed a little, pulling his hood down and sitting up a little straighter. "How was your weekend?"

"Good." You yawned, waiting for the coffee to kick in. "I worked, I went out dancing with my cousins and Alex, and it was really fun. Kinda busy though, so I didn't get much of a chance to actually sit down and work on the project much. I don't know if you touched it any, but I added a few more links-"

"Yeah, I didn't really work on it either." Tercero said with a shrug. "I had work, and I was pretty tired, so..."

You stopped yourself from frowning, not wanting to seem like a hypocrite. At least you had set aside some time to look at the project.

It didn't matter though, because Tercero was opening up his laptop to look at the slides, going through the changes you had made. He looked... confused. 

You glanced over at his laptop. "You look lost."

"Yeah... you were having trouble with all the legal terms when we tried to work in the library but these are all perfect." He said. 

"Oh." You smiled. "After we wrapped up in the library Alex helped me look over it while I grabbed lunch. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but-"

"He's a law student, yeah." Tercero said, a slight edge to his voice. He cleared his throat. "This -ah, this looks really good though."

"Thanks." You said, reaching down to grab your own laptop and notebook as Professor Bernal took his place at the front of the class, scrawling todays lesson title on the board. You didn't notice Tercero slump back in his seat, tugging his hood back over his head. 

SUMMER HEARTS // Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now