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You woke up slowly, feeling warm and safe and somehow tired, even though you had just been asleep. You opened your eyes slowly, focusing on the mop of familiar dark hair spread out on the pillow next to you. You snuggled into Alex's back more, wrapping your arm around his waist tighter. 

Alex was already awake, scrolling through his phone on his side. When he felt you press closer, he turned it off, shuffling around to face you instead. "Morning." He smiled. 

"Mmm morning." You returned, pushing your face into the crook of his neck and closing your eyes. "What time is it?" You asked groggily. 

"It's almost lunch." Alex said.

"Sorry for keeping you." You yawned. "You could've gone-"

"I didn't want to wake you up." Alex interrupted, stoking a hand through your hair. "You seemed really tired last night... you still seem really tired."

"I am." You said. "I kinda wanna just go back to sleep... but I'm also really hungry."

Alex sat up in bed, gently pulling you up as well. "I think your cousin is in the kitchen, I could hear her walking around."

You shrugged off his hand and flopped back into the pillows. "Sleep." 

Alex smiled, amused. "I thought you just said you were hungry?"

"Sleep now, food later." You mumbled, tugging on Alex's wrist so that he would fall back down next to you and you could spoon him again. 

He didn't budge though. "I really think you should eat something." He said. "If you sleep for too long, you'll just get more tired."

You frowned. "Who gave you the right to care about my health and well being?" 

Alex grinned and draped himself on top of you so that you were face to face. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and smiled. "I mean, it's kind of in the job description as your boyfriend."

You kissed him properly, locking your lips together. Even first thing in the morning, his lips were soft and pliant against yours and moved with a steady rhythm as you kissed. You pulled away one moment for a breath only to dive right back in again, slipping your tongue into his mouth. Things were just getting heated when your stomach rumbled loudly, causing Alex to pull back.

"Breakfast." Alex said, sitting up and grabbing you by the wrist. 

"No, come back!" You whined, reluctantly sitting up as well as he pulled you up. 

"Food. Must eat." Alex said, sliding off the bed. 

You got up along with him, grabbing one of the blankets that you kept folded at the foot of the bed and draping it over your shoulders like a sort of fuzzy cape. You padded out into the hallway, Alex following behind you.

Nieve was in the kitchen when you walked in, with something sizzling on the stove. She smiled and adjusted her pajamas as you walked in. "Morning babe."

"Morning." You said, sitting down on one of the barstools. "What are you making?"

"Just some eggs." She said, turning back to look at the stove slightly. "How do you like your eggs, Alex?"

"Oh, uh, scrambled is fine." Alex said, sitting down next to you. 

"Hot sauce or no?" Nieve asked. 

"Sure, you can add a little." Alex said.

Nieve flipped the omlette that was currently in the pan and let it cook for a few more minutes before sliding it out onto a plate, adding a dash of hot sauce and some ground pepper. She cracked another egg into a cup and started scrambling until it was nice and yellowed before pouring it out into the hot pan. 

She moved it with her wooden spoon a bit. "Did you guys end up getting everything done last night?" She asked. 

You nodded. "Everything's finished and ready to go." 

"That's good." Nieve said. 

"Now, all that's left is the presenting part." You said with a sigh. 

"Hey, I'm sure you'll do great." Alex said. "Your slides look amazing, and you know this project inside and out. Nothing to worry about."

"I have to give an entire presentation in Spanish." You said. "Don't blame me if I'm nervous."

"You've been speaking great Spanish for months now, that should be the least of your worries." Nieve said, sliding Alex's eggs out of the pan and onto a plate, adding a dash of hot sauce as she did so. She slid the plate across the island to Alex along with a fork. "Y/N, scrambled?"

"Yes, but no hot sauce." You said. Nieve nodded and started on your egg.

"Yeah, your Spanish is fine." Alex said between bites. "You really don't have anything to worry about."

"What about Tercero?" You said. 

"What about him?" Alex said. "I thought you said you already told him off for being an ass."

"What if he totally drops the ball on the presentation and just leaves me up there by myself?" You said. 

Nieve slid your eggs out of the pan and onto a plate, adding a fork before sliding it over to you across the island. You dug in greedily, enjoying the fluffiness of the eggs. 

"I really don't see what you're worried about." Nieve said, starting on her own egg. "You've done most of the project of yourself at this point, and you know the material inside and out. I think you could do the whole thing by yourself with ease."

"She has a point." Alex added. "At this point, you really don't need him for any of it."

You rolled the thought over in your head. You really didn't... you had done 99% of the project by yourself. You weren't really expecting him to do much during the presentation besides read from the slides - you weren't even sure if he'd even read the book really. He'd said he did... but knowing Tercero...

"You know what?" You said between bites of egg. "You're right. I don't need him."

"Hell yeah." Alex said. "Fuck that guy."

"Amen." Nieve chimed in. "You're going to do so amazing on that project and show him what an ass he is for not doing his part."

You smiled, and shoveled another bite of egg into your mouth, happy to have the support of the people around you.

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