She Hoped a Silent Hope

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She always hoped she was better off,

Forgot about her and living her life with no regrets,

She wished with all of her heart to know what she was doing,

But couldn't find out if she tried,

Everything she said never went away,

She won't even delete the messages,

That once gave her happiness,

And now give her abandonment,

She was left in the dust,

Just like the rest,

She thought she was special,

But even though she's being treated this way,

She still hopes all is okay,

Despite all the wrong she's heard,

She still hopes a silent hope,

A loud hope and a big hope,

Any hope you can imagine,

To make it simple,

She hoped,

That all was well,

After all she had been put through,

And suffering she still dwelled in,

She hoped,

And what a magnificent hope she did.

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