It Hurts, I Know.

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It hurts to breathe,

Can I leave?

If I left,

It would be a theft.

No one would've cared if I never even came,

So why do I still have to play this game?

It hurts to think,

That maybe I'd take a drink.

Can the voices silence,

Without causing a menace?

It's tearing me apart,

Will anyone see the cart?

It's full of thoughts and dreams of mine destroyed.

Ripped up and thrown away by the ones I should care for most,

But they don't seem to care.

Pulling me by my hair and throwing me against the wall,

Is that showing me right from wrong?

Or is that being a tyrant and abusing your power of authority in my life?

It hurts to think this is love,

But I guess I've only just learned.

Because I can say,

I love my friends more than my family,

And my lover more than my father.

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