Chapter 2

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I am aware of my evidently pathetic attempt this time. I stare at the dull grey ground, refusing to make eye contact as I hear Evan's footsteps, echoing on the concrete, making their way towards me. I don't have to look up to know his face is holding a neutral facade. But I know that his eyes are unable to hide his emotions and that they dance with flames of annoyance and disappointment, soothed slightly with pity.

"That's enough for today. Intuition tests are over but you have a chance to redeem yourself if you exceed in the tests that are still to come. I suggest you go rest and prepare for anything tomorrow. You have potential, Naomi, you really do." Evan says softly but with a slight edge to his voice.

As I open my mouth to say something he cuts me off, "Professionals would not have given up so quickly." He says as he points to the an air vent near the bottom of the wall a few feet away from the door, just about wide enough for me to fit into. I cringe at how I had handled the situation as Evan walks away.

"Damn it!" I shout as soon as Evan is out the door. I kick the air vent with a force fuelled by vexation and the rattling fills the air.

I storm towards the oak door on the opposite side of the room and slam it shut behind me. I messed up again. He said that this was the last Intuition test. Does that mean it really is over? But he did mention there was more to come. Intuition is merely the first stage of analysis at Ultimate. I can't afford to perform so badly tomorrow.

Evan's words replay in my head, 'You have potential, Naomi, you really do.' I have heard those words all my life but that potential has never come out during my fourteen years of training, starting ever since since I came to Ultimate at the age of three, and most have given up on me by now. The only reason the Imperious have even kept me alive this long with so little promise showing is because of my name. Naomi Stone.

The Stone family once held immense power within the Imperious, long before the split of the City. Back when the City was a thriving place, envyed by all other towns, a place known for peace. However, when the uprising began, the Stone family retreated from their positions and went into hiding, no Stone member or relative has been found ever since. Until me.

Evan told me that the Imperious constantly had wardens to try and locate any member of the Stone family, dead or alive. For over a century the Imperious were persistent and they thought that it all finally payed off when they found me. They thought I would lead them to the rest of the Stone family's whereabouts. But that didn't happen.

I do not know who my parents are. Supposedly nobody else does either. I was simply left at a children care facility, by an anonymous source, at the vulnerable state of being a trifling newborn and was spotted by the Imperious immediately. They knew who I was just by looking at me, all Stones are known to share the same unique feature, unnaturally dark eyes.

Though my family were shamed and labelled traitors by the Imperious for leaving out of supposed cowardice, they held a key of something incredibly valuable. I do not know what that is, only the Imperious are aware of what my family possesses. Evan always assured me that I would have everything explained to me in good time, ever since I arrived at Ultimate at the age of three. But I am yet to hear even a single hint.

I sense that time is near, however. These tests are drawing us all closer to the final stage of Ultimate, and I know that if I do not succeed, the Imperious will take what they want from me then kill me. They have no other choice apparently, I am too involved and know too much about Ultimate. There are only two ways you can leave this place: succeed the required examinations and represent Ultimate as one of their assassins for our tribe, or die. Simple.

Except it's not simple for me, I am edging dangerously near the second option. I am currently holding on to an incredibly sparse piece of string, threatening to snap at any given moment.

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