Chapter 6

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Day 1
The Imperious have welcomed Jaslay, she is the obvious choice, no other volunteer is up to par with the expectations of the Imperious. But we all knew from the start Jaslay would be the one to become a member, especially our brother, Raff, the idea was carved into his mind and he was determined to have it play out into reality. We needed a Stone member in the Imperious and now we do, it is vital that Jaslay succeeds in her duties, not for the Imperious but the ones we have have discussed for years. Her duties to save the people of the City from the downfall that is soon to come. I can sense it. Everyone is oblivious except our family, because, of course, we have the Listeners. Raff, Jaslay and myself are Listeners, no-one else that we know of holds the same ability. The City is about to undergo a merciless, gradual collapse from the thriving, alive fabric we have become accustomed to for generations. And it is all because of  the Imperious, specifically Anika Faldon. She is the cause  of all things wrong with the City and everything that is soon to come.


I look underneath this first entry to the blank space underneath, something appears to have been ripped off of the page, leaving behind shreds of paper still glued to the page of the journal. I don't think too much of it however as my mind is encased with what I have just read.

This was written before the collapse of the City, back when everything was normal, everything was fine. No tribes, no wars, simply peace. And according to this, the Imperious were the ones who destroyed that peace. I have heard that before, in the Rec, that the Imperious are the cause of the hell that the City underwent.

A boy called Andai is known for his stories of the past, he has mentioned that the part Imperious played was not the glorified masquerade they presented us with, not the stories they told us of them helping the victims through their time of need, but they infact created their pain. How or why, he doesn't know. Neither does anyone, or atleast nobody has let on that they do.

But these people,my ancestors I suppose, obviously knew. Who exactly where they though? Who were Raff and Jaslay? And, well, it was signed by 'Manila' so she was the one writing, but who was she? I know they were Listeners but I have no idea what that even means. The first warning told me that I must be a Listener to read and suffer no consequences, am I one?

I look over at the next page to day two, written in a different, messy handwriting, looking as if it has been rushed, but before I have a chance to read I hear the door being creaked open. I frantically fumble with the journal as I rapidly replace it  in my pocket just as Shay and Ali walk in.

"Hey," Shay says with slightly skeptical eyes, glancing briefly to my pocket.

"Hi," I reply with a smile, trying to seem casual, probably failing miserably.

"Where were you after drills?" Ali questions me, taking a seat next to me on my bed.

"Oh...umm...Mistress Ronna just wanted to talk to me about my Intuition tests, warning me that this was my last chance." I am careful to include 'Mistress' as I know the Imperious can hear us if they wish, we can only talk freely in the Rec, like I said before.

Shay looks suspicious but Ali seems oblivious to my lie. Well it wasn't a complete lie, Ronna did infact bring up my test results.

"Hmm," Shay replies.

"Anyway, where were you two? Didn't you hear oh superior Zaylee tell everyone to return to their rooms immediately?" I joke, shifting the attention from what I myself was doing or where I was.

"Where do you think?" Ali says sarcastically.

I already knew they were at the Rec, I just needed to change the subject, we never mention it outside of the actual Rec however, it's vital that it is kept secret.

If they are asked where they indeed where instead of going to their rooms, they will say they had to do a job for a trainer, normally Evan, Angela or Kane are used as excuses as they will usually go along with the lie. Though the Imperious rarely bother about small unimportant things like that anyway.

I roll my eyes at her with a smile. They were likely analysing the possibilities of my absence, Zander probably coming up with ridiculous tales of some horrible crime I committed, pulling together a detailed fable, convincing people he is well informed of my situation. He is prone to fabricate stories and rumours, not out of spite but he simply has an imaginative mind and likes to entertain people. Everyone will now be walking round with images of me stabbing an Imperious member or something.

"I miss anything?" I ask.

"Not much, just one of Zander's many tales, today's story starring Naomi Stone!" Ali says dramatically, as if she was a tv show host.

I laugh and she joins in along with Shay, though Shay's laugh seems forced, it sounds empty. Her blank facial expression confirms this and I make up my mind to talk to her later, when we are alone.

"So how did your drills go then?" I enquire the two of them.

"Alright, really. Better than my last. I think most people had the same stimulation this time, which is rare, you know the one with that enemy tribe? With that mini showdown type shit? I fought, but I had nothing on me, so it was a surefire loss for me, but I managed to hold on much longer than I initially thought. So I think I did okay." Ali shrugs.

Enemy tribe? Fighting? What?

"I didn't fight, didn't cross my mind, plus, like Ali said, I had no weapons with me. I managed to stall and distract them before I found an escape and fled. I suppose it might be seen as quitting but I don't really care." Shay says, looking down on the ground. Is that what's up with her? That she doesn't think she did well in the drills? No, it can't be. Shay is rarely effected with things like that, she tends to optimistic about most anything. I definitely will need to talk to her soon.

"Wait, everyone else had that same stimulation?" I question.

"Well, most people. That new girl, Jaila, had something about having to kill a loved one, she came out crying, bless her, it's only her first time. And Gash was lost in the woods with a message he had to deliver from Imperious. Two others, that's it. Why, what did you get?" Ali says.

"I was in this room and I was sitting at a table and there was this tall man screaming at me, telling me to confess to whatever it is I had supposedly done. I refused to tell him anything so he hit me then threw me in a cell, where I banged my head against the concrete walls. I remember everything become dark and I felt dizzy before I snapped out of the stimulation."

"Nobody else had anything similar to that, but anyway, I think you handled that well." Ali smiles.

"Yeah but I was locked in that cell in the end."

"So? Like that matters. You still held your ground."

We then reminisce about our previous drills and some of the outrageous, terrifying situations we have been placed in. There have also, admittedly, been some fairly pleasant stimulations, though they are incredibly infrequent. We talk up until the bell for evening meal, Shay only remarking here or there, but she opens up a bit more the longer we talk.

"Come on, we better go. Can't deny the cook the pleasure of seeing our greatly satisfied faces as we relish in her delicious, cooked to perfection meals." Ali says sarcastically, in a mock bright tone.

"AKA, the same disgusting shit we get fed everyday." I say, followed by her laugh.

As we leave the room I glance over at Shay and see her brows knitted together, her eyes clouded with worry.

I lightly touch her arm to gain her attention, "Are you okay?" I mouth at her.

She waits a few seconds before opening her mouth, then closing it again. Instead she just nods, "yeah," she whispers, plastering a weak, fake smile on her face, attempting to reassure me. But I know her better. Something is definitely wrong. And I can tell it's serious.

(a/n Thank you for anyone still reading even though I have been taking so long to update :) )

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