Chapter 3

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A faint echo of a siren is heard throughout the Rec, interrupting the playful argument that was taking place between Ali and I, over whether Zaylee was the spawn of the devil or if she was the devil herself.

"Drills." Zander states what we already know.

We hurry out the Rec and allow Gash to climb out first, to make sure the hallway is clear so we can get out unnoticed. Gash is a trusted agent and the trainers aswell as the Imperious have faith in him and his words, so if he was to be caught he could easily lie his way out of it, saving not only his ass but ours too.

Gash turns back towards us and gives us the all clear signal, moving out of the way of the exit, and one by one we resurface, the scream of the siren increasing in volume drastically as we move further out the Rec.

"I hate drills so much. Haven't we been over the same shit enough already? I swear the Imperious are just bored or something." Shay whines as we make our way to the main training hall, where drills take place.

Drills take place monthly, they are there to see how well an agent handles a real life situation. All the trainers aswell as the Imperious watch over you like a hawk, eyes darting towards your every move.

It's a little like the tests but alot more stressful, if you fail three times in a row, you're out. Completely eliminated from Ultimate, no matter how good the agent is, they have to get rid of you, convinced you cannot be relied on.

But I do not find them nearly as difficult as the secluded tests, unlike everyone else. The drills have a certain air of realism to them, something the tests lack. I suppose this is what makes me somewhat better in the drills, because I feel like it's real, I feel like I'm out of Ultimate and into the real world.

Ofcourse we are still locked in the walls of Ultimate, but a life like stimulation takes over the hall and in that moment I truly do believe that I am finally out, finally free.

But so does everyone. One of the trainers will inject you with a serum that blocks everything out of your mind, forcing you to focus only on what is infront of you. Everyone's minds are temporarily oblivious to Ultimate and you believe you are a free agent.

I watch this happening now as Evan injects a new agent, Jaila, as we walk into the vast, crowded hall, joining on the end of one of the countless lines formed.

He notices me watching and gives me a grin, pointing towards an abnormally large needle and then pointing towards me, his eyes alive with humour.

I roll my eyes playfully as he turns back around to watch Jaila.

Evan is one of the most lenient, easy going trainers at Ultimate, all the agents feel at ease with him, along with Angela and Kane.

Angela is one of the Intuition experts and has tried her best to help me through the tests, but ends up watching, pity evident on her face, as I fail miserably each time. Though I despise receiving pity, I appreciate all the effort and time she spends trying to train me without even being my trainer.

I see her looking towards me, as if she knows what I'm thinking and gives me an encouraging smile. She knows I am significantly better at drills than Intuition.

Soon I am called up by Evan for my injection, just as Zander returns from his turn, the effects of the serum worn off.

"What happened to wanting to stab right through my arm with that huge needle?" I whisper, pointing at the large needle he threatened me with earlier.

"I took pity on you. But I may not next time." He smirks, keeping his voice low. Nobody is supposed to be talking during drills.

Before I can think of a witty response, and remind him I don't need nor want his pity, I hear my name being called and I realise it is my turn and I make my way to the stimulation area, pondering what situation I will be put in this time.

The injection begins to kick in and I feel the serum coursing through my blood. People begin to twist and swirl and all colours blend into one. I become dizzy, a heavy pounding taking over my head, before my mind is entranced with the stimulator, which soon morphs into a miniscule, cold interrogation room...

"Damn it! Don't play stupid with me!" The man's large fist pounds down onto the metal table as he glares at me, his cool blue eyes venomous.

I find that the wide metal table is the only piece of furniture in the otherwise hollow room. I scan the room quickly, analysing every inch of it closely in an attempt to seek out an escape route or anything that could help me by any means.

I spot a large stone door to my left but my heart immediately sinks when I look behind the open door and see what lays behind it.

It's a cell, barley big enough for one to be able to lie down and fit their body across it, made of pure concrete. I notice a small rectangle carved high into the wall, allowing a prisoner to be able to breath some fresh air, but secured with metal bars in a criss-cross formation covering it, blocking any chance of escape.

Before I can further investigate the rest of my surroundings, my head is suddenly snapped back towards the man towering over me, his rough hands grip my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"I'm not. I told you I don't know anything about it." I reply calmly to his previous remark without hesitation, staring back with equally as much force.

He leans in close to me, his face inches from mine, "I'm going to give you one more chance Naomi, or so help me God, I will throw you into that cell where you will rot miserably for the rest of your worthless life." He spits.

"I. Don't. Know. Anything." I repeat slowly, my voice raising with every word.

"Don't you dare shout at me!" He slaps me hard across the face.

I compose myself quickly and reach out my hand in anger to hit him back but he instantly grabs my wrist with immense force.

"That's it!" He grabs me by my hair, yanking roughly, and makes his way to the cold, depressing cell he pointed to earlier and literally throws me in, my head banging hard against the solid concrete wall. Darkness begins to creep around the perimeter of my vision as I slowly begin to lose consciousness...

My eyes suddenly fly open and I find myself bavk in the hall, my senses connecting once more with reality. Without a word I know to make my way to the back of the hall with the rest of those who are finished, and wait in silence until the drills come to an end.

I spend that time thinking about what just happened. I don't know if I handled the situation correctly or acceptably but I know I held my ground and I am proud of myself.

"Drills are over. All agents are to return to their rooms." The voice finally comes through the speakers, breaking my thoughts. I begin to stand up before the voice continues, "Naomi Stone, stay where you are."

I sheepishly sit back down in confusion as all eyes turn to stare at me, some in equal confusion, some in worry, and some in spite.

I have no idea why I am told to stay and I stare at the ground in fear as my mind whirls in possibilities. Everyone around me piles out the room, trainers and agents alike.

Once I think everyone is gone, I look up and my eyes lock with those of Zaylee, her facial expression malicious, and as I look behind her I see the Imperious, looking at me in an odd, ominous way.

(a/n Please leave feedback in the comments :) )

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