Chapter 5

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"You are probably wondering why I asked the others to leave. Well you see, Miss Stone, my family were very connected with your family and I was the one to spot you were a Stone. I sent Zaylee for you as soon as I found this out and have kept a closer eye on you than the other Imperious. The rest don't know the Stone family like I do, some of the Imperious don't even know what we are looking for from your family. But I have studied it for years." Ronna leans in closer to me and I move my chair slightly back.

"Studied what?" I question.

"Why don't we start with your tests before going into a history lesson, hmm?"

Shit. The tests.

"I assume you are aware how appalling your Intuition results are? Failing eleven times? Ha! Pathetic, Miss Stone! Had you been anyone else you would have been eliminated after 3 failed attempts, you know that. The Imperious are wondering whether it truly is worth keeping you, though I have managed to convince them it is. I will not let you go before I get what I need. Your drills results help somewhat in persuading them. You do much better. But that does not necessarily mean you are good at them."


"Today during the drills you managed to hold your ground through interrogation and you did not release any information. However, you were captured and locked away in the end, and therefore you were defeated. But there is some hope, just a sliver, that you could survive in the real world..." She continues.

Wait. She just said that their is hope that I could survive in the real world. Does that mean there is a chance of leaving Ultimate? Does that mean they won't kill me as soon as they are done with me? My heart races as renewed faith begins to fill my mind and I grasp onto it with all my might.

She suddenly leans in until her face is inches from mine, "So don't mess this up, Naomi, don't you dare." Her voice holds desperation, I even detect a trace of fear within her usually powerful, confident tone.

She quickly composes herself and stands up, gesturing with her hand for me to do to the same. Ronna walks across to the council table and begins to search for something behind it.

"What did you mean?" I ask her, still standing where she left me.

"What?" I watch her expression shift to a wry look for a just brief moment.

"What did you mean when you said there was a chance in the real world? And what did you mean when you said not to mess up?"

She pauses for a moment, seeming to consider her response carefully, "Miss Stone, I do expect you to leave Ultimate at some point. You will have to, if you are to be able to meet my needs. But that, and only that, is the one reason you shall be permitted Outside. Otherwise, we would never give the slightest consideration to letting an agent like yourself Outside."

I don't know how to feel upon hearing this. On one hand I am relieved and excited to be told I shall be allowed Outside, this is what I have been waiting for since the day Zaylee's cold grip first dragged me through the entrance of Ultimate. But on the other hand, Ronna made it clear why I was being let out, and I have a feeling once her needs are satisfied, that's it for me. But at this point, I will take anything. I am desperate to be able to come out those same doors I was forced through all those years back. Desperate to run freely through the streets of the city, no matter how broken they are. I long to see the haunted streets enchanted by the pools of moonlight when night falls. Those thoughts alone overpower any side effects that come with the drug of freedom I need.

She completely ignored my second question, however, so I push further, "What about when you told me not to mess up? What do you mean? What exactly is my purpose? So far I know nothing about all of this."

"Give me a second." Ronna responds as she finally pulls out something from behind the table and walks back over towards me.

As she comes closer I see that she holds a tattered journal with a worn brown leather casing and a broken spine.

"This," She says, looking at the journal, "belonged to your ancestors. You will read it and come to me after each section you have read. This will eventually show you the history of your family and I will eventually show you why I need you."

She hands me the journal and I carefully open it to the first page. It has developed a yellowish hue over the years and has been creased and slightly ripped. The first page holds only one sentence,
For the eyes of the Stone family and the Stone family only. Be aware that irreversible consequences will occur to those who follow the journal without being a Stone Listener.

A Stone Listener?

"What's a St-" I begin before Ronna cuts me off mid sentence.

"Read the journal and you shall find out. Now come, we must return, I have to get back to the Imperious and you must get back to your evening requirements."

I slip the small journal into the wide pocket of my black jacket, identical to each and every single other agent's jacket, the only one permitted to wear. I walk alongside Ronna back through the double doors and wait as she she locks them once more.

"Who was that boy from earlier, the one who ran into you?" I ask, now that I seem to be allowed to talk to Ronna.

She sighs and seems to debate whether to tell me the truth or not.

"Servants." She finally answers, her tone signalling that that is all she will tell me.

I decide not to push it as we walk back through the dark, musty hallway leading up to the main hall.

"Return to your room and guard that journal with your life." Ronna demands harshly, emphasising the last three words, as we step onto the wooden floorboards of the main hall. "And keep it hidden, nobody is to know about it. Nobody. Or trust me Miss Stone, there shall be consequences."

I don't know if she is referring to me or to the note in the beginning of the book, threatening consequences to those who shouldn't be reading it.

"Okay..." I answer.

She nods, dismissing me and I make my way out of the hall. I stroke the leather casing of the book in my pocket as I head towards my room. I hope nobody is there, they should all be at evening meal anyway, I think, I have no idea what time it is. I want to be able to investigate the writing of my ancestors that will finally put my burning curiosity at ease.

I pick up my pace through the empty hallways before finally arriving at door seventy eight. I knock once, then pause for a few seconds before knocking four times, telling my roommates that it's me. I don't hear a knock back so I assume nobody is there and I open the door to an empty room.

I quickly scan the small room just incase, but each of the five beds are empty. It's a plain room, identical to all the rest, with stone walls and flooring. A weak light is located in the middle of the ceiling and a window on the wall opposite the the door, five congruent metal beds occupy the majority of the room.

I share the room with Shay, Ali, Luna and Brooke, though we are barley ever in the room all at once, only when sleep hours commence.

I close the door behind me and sit on the side of my bed, reaching for the journal and opening it to chapter one, which lists another deterrent,
This is your final chance to spare yourself the punishments. If you are not a Stone Listener, put the journal back immediately, or prepare to endure a life of misery and sorrow. You have been warned.

I hope to God I am a 'Stone Listener' as I begin to read past the warning, preparing myself for the worst.

(a/n  I'm sorry I've been taking so long to update and that the chapters are short, I've just been really busy latley. Thank you for reading)

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