Chapter 1

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"Stop!" Evan calls out in disappointment and agitation, for the tenth time today.

"But I did everything right this time! I'm sure I did." I whine as the lights go back up and I am left oblivious to the error I supposedly committed. That's the thing with Evan, he expects perfection yet never shows me how to strive towards it, he always wants me to figure out my mistakes on my own.

"Clearly you didn't or I wouldn't have stopped you now, would I? Now do it again." Evan demands curtly.

I sigh and roll my eyes when he looks away, as I make my way back to the starting point.

"Don't think I didn't notice that eye roll, Naomi." He says with a smirk.

I ignore him as I stand in the starting position and await the monotone buzzing from the large red bulb on the ceiling, that will tell me to begin. Looming thoughts of failure and what is certain to happen if I do fail begin to creep into my mind. I try to swallow back my fear as I attempt to calm myself and clear my mind of the distracting thoughts.

All attempts at having a placid mindset vanish as soon as the buzzing fills the room. My body springs into action before my mind grasps what's happening. I am utterly unprepared. I have done this so many times but everytime is completely different. They never put you in the same settings twice.

I block out Evan's icy grey eyes piercing into me, watching my every move as I sprint towards the vast aluminium door that stands a few metres away. As soon as I reach it I realise it is completely blank, no handle, no password or padlock, nothing. I attempt to push the door with as much power as I can muster but it firmly holds its ground.

I glance around the immeasurably large room, hoping for some sort of hint or clue as to what the hell I'm supposed to do, but the room is completely hollow. With the exception, ofcourse, of the broad window located at the very top of the immensely tall concrete wall to my left. That is where the Imperious watch us. That is how they judge whether we are worth their time and are a valuable contribution or if we are a obstacle and require elimination.

I begin to panic and frantically start pounding at the door, though I know it is completely pointless. I hear the timer counting down the last few valuable seconds I have. What I choose to do in those seconds will have a permanent impact on my fate. But my body will not or perhaps cannot fathom what my mind is begging it to do and I am left standing there like a fool as the beeping noise escapes the timer, dissolving any remaining hope I had. It's over. I failed. Again.
(a/n Chapter 2 will be up as soon as possible and hopefully it will be longer, tysm for reading )

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