The Story Of The Past - Part II

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Zeeshan's POV:

Me: Yup! I know about him, I guess u r talking about the writer Sid, right?

Abhishek: Yup, that same guy, do u know what he and Aaradhya r up to?

He and MY Aaradhya? Why does this Abhishek always comes up with some guy or the other and why does he always link them up with Aaradhya? I know Aaradhya is not at fault here. I trust my girl, but now I'll have to listen to his nonsense and give him a befitting reply.

Me: Don't start over again Abhishek, u know I won't trust u.

Abhishek: I knew it that u won't trust me, so I have come up with a proof.

Me: Really? then tell me, what's in ur mind today?

Abhishek: See this screenshot!

Abhishek: Attachment 1:Image

Abhishek: Attachment 2:Image

As soon as I opened the image with a 'whatever' look, was when I saw the most dreadful sight in my life! That was a screenshot of Aaradhya's and Sid's WhatsApp chatting. It went something like this:

Siddharth: Hey! Aaradhya, how r u?

Aaradhya: I am fine, Sid, go ahead!

Siddharth: I wanted to tell u something, will u listen to me?

Aaradhya: Ya! tell na. what's it?

Siddharth: I guess, I LOVE YOU!

Aaradhya: What? But u do know tht I have a bf right?

Siddharth: But, I am more capable than ur bf, I have fame, money and am more handsome too! Get along with me, I swear I would never make ya feel left out!

Aaradhya: Well, u r correct, u r in every way better than Zees, I would love to have u in my life! U r in the same city as Delhi right? coz I am in Delhi, due to AIIMS!

Siddharth: Yup! am here in Delhi, wanna hangout any time?

Aaradhya: Tomorrow's whole day for ya Sid! I love you!

Siddharth: I love you too! Keep ur phone switched off tomorrow, I don't want any disturbance;)

Aaradhya: Done sir! See u

Siddharth: See u too

These 2 screenshots shook me as if an earthquake had just made its way in India. That tomorrow, as mentioned in the chat was today and yes, her phone was switched off too! But, I could just not digest the fact that Aaradhya cheated on me! She could not!

Abhishek: Hey? r u ok?

Me: Where did u get these screenshots from?

Abhishek: Well, turns out that Sid is my best friend, he loved Aaradhya, and when she said yes, he sent those screenshots to me to prove tht now he was the luckiest person on this damn planet!

Me: No, Aaradhya can't do this.

Abhishek: When he told this to me at first, even i was of the same opinion but, this screenshot proved otherwise.

Abhishek: Actually Ratna di (sister) is calling me, so got to go, see you afterwards, take care!

I didn't reply further because my world had come to an end, the luckiest day of my life, when I won a lottery for the first time, seemed like the worst day of my life. How could she do this? I was angry on her. But, my trust and love for her overpowered my anger and I immediately called her, to know her side of the story! To my amusement, she even picked up the call.

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