Captain Man's Daughter

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There was only one thing that Ray Manchester loved more than himself and that was his daughter. She'd been the product of a one night stand. One day when Captain Man was fighting a criminal he'd discovered that it had been the women he'd slept with and knew was having his baby. When Ray found out that the mother of his child was a super villain he decided to keep her hostage until the baby was born then throw her into jail, keeping his daughter safe from danger. When y/n Manchester was three years old, her mother escaped from jail and vowed to find her and take her from Captain Man and turn her evil, so Ray hid his daughter from the world in order to keep her safe. No one knew about her except for Schowz and Ray had hired private tutors to teach her throughout her schooling years, ensuring that they never knew who she was or where they were when they were teaching her.

Y/n was now seventeen and still a complete secret to the rest of the world. She'd never left the Man Cave her entire life and knew nothing of the outside world. Ray had done everything in his power to keep his daughter safe and unknown to everyone, knowing that if his enemy's knew she existed, they'd use her against him and that her mother was still out there looking for her.
Ray spoiled his daughter rotten. She had everything she could ever want. Except for friends. Material things meant nothing to y/n and although she was appreciative of everything her dad had bought her over the years, she wanted nothing more than to have friends.
When Ray had decided to hire a sidekick, y/n had hoped that maybe, just maybe, her father would tell him about her but he never did. As the years went by, y/n watched the friendship between Henry, Charlotte and Jasper from hidden spots in the man cave where they wouldn't see her. Sometime they felt like they were being watched but usually shrugged it off and when they'd tell Ray about it, he'd tell them that there were probably just Mole people sneaking around. Although something always told them he was lying, they'd let it go, sensing the tone is Rays voice that warned them not to ask questions. As she got older, y/n had found herself developing a bit of a crush on Henry Hart, aka Kid Danger and every time she'd here his voice in the man cave, she'd sneak down to one of her hiding spots to see him. Today was no different.
Kid Danger and Captain Man had just gotten back from a mission and were revelling in their victory. She watched as Henry blew a bubble and turned from Kid Danger to Henry Hart. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his brown ones that made her heart melt every time she saw them. Henry and Ray said goodbye before Henry went up into the elevator and left.
"Okay young lady you can come out from your hiding spot now." Ray called to his daughter.
"Hi daddy." She said innocently.
"Don't "hi daddy" me y/n! You've got to stop sneaking around! Henry and Piper and Charlotte are noticing your presence, hell even Jasper can sense that you're around! Do you know how dangerous it would be if they found out about you? Especially Henry! If he gets captured and they question him, I can't guarantee that he won't say something about you, wether it's on purpose or not." Ray ranted to his daughter.
A sad look came over her face and a tear fell from her eye. Schwoz came over and patted her on the back. When Ray saw his daughters tears he calmed down immediately.
"Look sweetie, I know you're lonely and I'm sorry I can't give you the life you deserve but I have to keep you safe." Ray said as he pulled his daughter into his arms.
Sometimes Ray would forget how grown up she was and in moments like these he felt like he was holding on to his innocent little three year old baby girl and not the seventeen year old young women his daughter had become.
Ray's moment with y/n was cut off when the elevator doors opened.
"Hey big dog I forgot my-" Henry paused as he saw you, his heart skipping a beat.
"Uh Ray who's uh, who's this?" Henry asked.
Ray felt sick to his stomach. He knew there was no point lying to Henry about y/n.
"Look kid, there's something I haven't told you. Take a seat. Remember your Kid Danger oath? Well what I'm about to tell you, this is a secret that you can not tell anybody! This is nothing compared to your Kid Danger secret." Ray took a deep breath before continuing.
"This is my daughter y/n. Y/n I obviously don't need to introduce you to Henry."
"Wait when did you get a daughter?"
You giggled slightly at Henry's question. Ray proceeded to tell Henry the story of your life and why keeping you a secret was so important.
"Well that explains a lot. Like why I feel like we're being watched sometimes. And why there's parts of the Man Cave that are strictly forbidden." Henry said referring to where your room was.
He then turned to you and stared at you for a minute, taking in all of your features. He stopped when your dad slapped him across the head.
"Eyes off my daughter! I mean it kid! I'm trusting you with my most precious secret, don't make me wipe your memory. Y/n's safety is the most important thing in the world to me. She's the most important thing in the world to me." Ray said looking at you with eyes full of love and caring. The way that a father looked at his daughter. A daughter that he'd stop at nothing to protect.
"You have my word man, I won't tell anyone, I promise. I understand why keeping her safe is so important."
Henry then turned his attention to Schwoz.
"So I'm assuming you knew about her?" He asked.
"I was there the day she was born. I remember when she was nothing but a ity bity little baby, but now she's all grown up." Schwoz told Henry tearfully.

Henry had become your first friend and although your father didn't like you hanging out with a boy, he was happy to see you happy but when you and Henry got a little too close for Rays liking, he decided to tell Piper and Charlotte about you. Unfortunately for Ray, Jasper had heard the entire conversation and Henry practically had to beg him not to wipe Jaspers memory. They all kept the secret that was y/n Manchester while becoming her best friends and eventually Henry her boyfriend, despite Ray's objections.

I hope you guys enjoyed this it was so fun to write! If you did enjoy this please vote and remember that requests are open! -Georgia

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