Twenty One: Hoe Problems

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"Lani, babygirl, you can't stay in this lobby crying! Are you okay?" Chanel says as she pulls me up from the bench

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"Lani, babygirl, you can't stay in this lobby crying! Are you okay?" Chanel says as she pulls me up from the bench.

"No, I'm not okay, Chanel. The man I think I love has been playing me. I'm so damn stupid for even opening up my heart to him. I knew I should have stuck to being a cold hearted bitch because every time I start to care, someone reminds me why I turned my heart off in the first place."

"Come with me. You're spending the night in my room with me and we're going to bond and talk about all of this. We can't keep talking out here. You know bitches be nosey."

Laughing at Chanel, I dry my tears as I follow her back to her room and a sigh of relief escapes my mouth when I see that Brandon is nowhere to be found. Not only am I mad at Drummer, I'm mad at Brandon too because he was like a brother to me. I'd never expect him to put his loyalty to Drummer over his loyalty to me, but it still hurts to know that he made a bet with Drummer about me.

"Lani, make yourself comfortable and find us a movie then order room service. I'm paying." Chanel says as she gathers her clothes so that she can take a shower.

While she's doing that, I do exactly what she said. By the time room service comes, Chanel is out of the shower so she gets our food and snacks then we start watching, "The Hate U Give".

"Oh My God, that is so sad." Chanel cries out when someone from the movie dies.

"I knowww." I cry harder as I stuff a handful of original skittles into my mouth then pass some to Chanel.

We watch the entire movie before discussing what happened on it then she turns towards me. "Milani, we have to talk about that bet. I made them tell me what it was and apparently, Brandon bet Drummer that if he could have sex with you and couldn't keep your interest afterwards then Drummer owed him $500. If Drummer could have sex with you and could keep your interest afterwards then Brandon owed him $500. Either way, Brandon did think Drummer could have sex with you, he just didn't know if you would still be interested in him after that. He thought you'd want to hit it and quit it."

Thinking for a minute, I take a deep breath and finally speak. "That's fucked up that Brandon would even think like that. I don't know who I'm more pissed at Drummer for putting on a show just to get in my pants, Brandon for creating a bet like that about me, or myself for falling for Drummer and having sex with him. It's all too much and I don't know how to feel about it. Chanel, what do you think I should do?"

"Honestly Milani, I think you should follow your heart. No matter the circumstances, I am so glad that you started to care again. You gave Tariq too much power over your life by letting him make you heartless. Don't give anybody else that power, not even Drummer. It's okay to care. That doesn't make you weak. So what is your heart telling you to do?"

"I'm just so conflicted. My mind is telling me to shut my heart off so that I won't have to feel any pain, but my heart is telling me to forgive Drummer and love him. I know I'll be alone forever if I continue being heartless and I said I didn't mind being alone, but now I actually want him in my life. I just don't know if I can trust him with my heart." I sigh loudly, shaking my head.

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