Nineteen: The Beginning

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It's been two weeks since me and Drummer have spoken and I have no plans on communicating with him

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It's been two weeks since me and Drummer have spoken and I have no plans on communicating with him. I have been checking on him through Brandon though because I've been spending a lot of time around him and Chanel, which is what I'm doing now.

"Lani, how has your part of the plan been going?" Brandon asks as he lets Chanel clean his gunshot wounds.

"Pretty good. Holloway has cozied up to me and we've spent a lot of time together. I think he's really falling for me because he's finally invited me to come to his house later which is exactly what we've been waiting for." I smile widely. "Also, did you make sure Drummer will do his part when the time comes?

"That's what I'm talking bout, Laniiii! You doing the damn thing. I put all the shit you'll need in that purse in your trunk. Just make sure you put on those gloves before touching anything inside the bag. No fingerprints. I know my boy fucked up right now, but he'll pull through like he always does. You gotta cut him some slack. His mama died."

Rolling my eyes, I start packing the clothes that Chanel tells me because we have a flight to New York for our pole dancing competition tonight. "I know his mama died so he has the right to be hurt and shit, but he's spiraling out of control. Even you said, you're worried about how much he's started drinking and smoking."

"Milani, I said the navy blue dress, not the royal blue one." Chanel buts into our conversation and I roll my eyes again.

"I'll make sure he straight. If you that worried about him, just pull up on him. All he talks about is you, Milani. He needs you forreal. You're probably the only one that can talk some sense into him. I know he left you at the hospital, but he just wasn't thinking straight." Brandon says as he throws away his old bandages.

Sighing loudly, I let Chanel take over packing her own clothes while I plop down on the couch in their bedroom. Although I won't admit it to anyone else, I do miss having Drummer around, but I think it's best we had some time apart because I don't wanna get too attached to him.

"So what are you and Holloway doing this evening?" Chanel asks me.

"I actually have no idea. I think he's just trying to spend some time together since we're leaving for New York tonight. I hope he doesn't try to kiss or fuck me because there's only so many feelings I can fake."

"Lani, I know we all have to complete our parts, but don't fuck that pig. If you can't do what you need to do then just make up a lie and dip. We can always figure out another way. If you do fuck him and Drummer finds out, ain't no going back with him. He'll hate you for that shit." Brandon tells me.

"Brandon, I'm sure he already hates me and the feeling is mutual so I'm sure fucking Holloway won't do any damage. I gotta go. I'll see y'all later." I laugh, knowing damn well I have no intentions of fucking him.

After leaving Brandon's house, I go back to my own place and start searching through my clothes; making sure I pack everything I'll need for our weekend. Finishing up, I take my bags to my car then take a long hot shower; getting dressed in an olive green t-shirt, black ripped jeans, tan booties and a long thick, tan cardigan. I walk into the kitchen and make myself a strawberry and banana smoothie then pour it into my cup and head out the door.

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