Thirty One: Domino Effect

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"I told you we shouldn't have went to that doctor's appointment yesterday!" Chanel yells at me

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"I told you we shouldn't have went to that doctor's appointment yesterday!" Chanel yells at me.

"No, you shouldn't have went!! I didn't want you there and neither did Milani or Brandon! I begged you not to come with me, but your annoying ass wouldn't take no for an answer! All you got was an ass whooping!"

"Looks like you got one too."

"Why the hell you still here anyway!?" I say as I slam my hand down on the table, making the glasses shake.

Pulling out my phone, I decide to check Milani's location and see that she's stopped sharing it with me which makes me more upset. The noise from Chanel's voice also triggers me so I pick up a plate, throwing it into the wall then watch it shatter onto the floor.

"Are you fucking crazy!?! Drummer, that almost hit me!!" Chanel screams and I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"Chanel, I wish you'd get yo shit and go. Milani told you that you could stay here, but she left. You need to do the same!!!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Tae yells loudly as he comes out of his room. "It's both of y'all's fault! Chanel, you shouldn't have gotten drunk and tried to fuck him. Drummer, you shouldn't have let her leave. While ya'll busy arguing she's probably getting ready to leave. Did y'all notice that most of her shit is gone?"

"Jontaevious, what the hell you talking bout? Where she going?? You ain't making no sense and it's pissing me off."

"While y'all was sleeping, Milani came over here earlier this morning and I helped her get her stuff. She's moving to Vegas with her sister and her flight finna leave in like 20 minutes." He shrugs and I walk over to him, snatching him by his collar.

"She was here and you didn't tell me!? And you supposed to be my blood! How the fuck you let this happen?"

"Nigga, you let this happen. The time you spending roughing me up, you could've been halfway to the airport by now." Tae tells me and I realize he's right, letting him go and grabbing my keys.

"I wanna g.." Chanel says grabbing her shoes. "FUCK NO! You ain't going!" I say as I run towards the door.

"I hope she's gone by the time you make it, D. She's a good girl and you're ruining her!! Just let her go!!" Tae yells out and I stick up my middle finger then get into my car and speed off.

As I'm driving towards the airport, I repeatedly call Milani's phone and get no answer so I call Brandon; praying that he answers.

"Aye, don't hang up." I say when he finally answers the phone. "You know where Milani at?"

"Nah and if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"B, STOP FUCKING PLAYING!! She tryna leave me!! She taking my kid away from me!"

I hear shuffling on the phone then hear Milani's voice on the other side. "Drummer, why won't you just leave me alone? I'm trying to get away from you."

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