Twenty Seven: Respect is Earned

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The argument with Milani led me to my bar where I took too many shots then drove back home; trying my best not to end up in a ditch

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The argument with Milani led me to my bar where I took too many shots then drove back home; trying my best not to end up in a ditch. Fumbling with my keys, I walk into the house and see Tae laying on the couch so I try quietly walk by until I hear his voice. Sighing loudly, I stop in front of him; hoping that he's just talking in his sleep.

"D, you know you was wrong for that right?" He says and I walk over to the loveseat, sitting across from him.

"What you talking bout, nigga?"

"I understand y'all had an argument, but you was wrong for walking out on her. You always running away from your problems, but you keep preaching to me about being a man. You a hypocrite and that's fucked it."

Looking at him from the corner of my eyes, I just laugh for a minute; trying not to snap. "Nah, you wanna know whats fucked up? Getting Milani's hopes up by pretending you're gonna change; knowing you're not. Don't come up in my house tryna call me out. You know why our argument started? It was because she found your dumb, high ass not waking up and I said it was her fault for babying you. We got into it real bad and she started lying saying you been seeing my mama's face and hearing her voice."

"I am gone change. Ima change just to prove you wrong. Yeah, I got some shit I need to handle within myself but so do you. Milani ain't just yo girl no more, that's yo baby mama. You gotta move differently now. Earlier, she was crying for hours over you. You ain't supposed to make her eyes wet, only her pussy. As for the stuff about Aunt Serena, she wasn't lying. It's the truth. I just didn't tell you because you don't listen. All you know is tough love." Tae says as he gets up and walks into his room.

Sighing loudly, I start to think about him and Milani's words about me not being a good listener. Maybe tough love isn't the best approach. Walking into the kitchen, I make myself a sandwich and eat it quickly then head upstairs.

"Baby, can we talk?" I ask Milani when I enter the room and see her snuggled up on her phone.

"No, I'm listening to a podcast. I don't wanna talk."

Changing into my pajamas, I slide underneath the covers with her and take her phone; putting it on the nightstand. "Milani, come on now, talk to me. I'm trying to make things right."

"What do you want, Drummer? You need to make up your fucking mind. First it was we've talked enough tonight, but now you wanna talk."

"Look, me and Tae had a talk and he made me realize some shit. I was wrong for walking out on you and for the shit I was saying. I apologize for calling you a liar. I promise I'll focus more on being a better listener and less on tough love. I wanna raise my son differently than the way I was raised and I'll need your help doing that. I know every day/night won't be peaches and cream so I'm committed to communicating and working through things instead of running. I just need you to take your time with me. As for Tae, I'll be a better cousin and role model to him. Ima get him the help he needs to get through his shit."

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