Thirty Two: Moving Too Fast

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R. Tolkien

That is the quote I've been living by for days, weeks, and months. Today makes exactly 6 months since I left my Chicago life behind and came to Vegas. I hadn't planned on staying this long, but every time I wanted to go back home; I couldn't make myself do it. My life is so much different here and I've actually been happy. It took me a while to adjust, but I decided that I would spend the time given to me in a better way than I did in Chicago. Within these 6 months, I've formed a better connection with my sister, niece, and nephew. I've bought myself a car, found a job, and a man that loves me dearly. I'm just not ready to be with him in that way, yet.

"Milani, girl, what the hell is wrong with you? You've been staring into space since you sat down at the table." Kimora says as she waves her hand in front of my face.

"Oh my bad, I was just thinking. Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious. I would help you clean up, but I have to go get ready for my doctor's appointment. Nolan is coming to pick me up soon."

"Mhmm, you ain't never helped with the dishes anyway. I'll give you a pass since you're damn near about to pop."

Looking down at my huge belly, I smile and thank my child for getting me out of chores once again. Walking back upstairs to my room, I turn on the shower and let it heat up while I look in my closet for an outfit. It's pretty hot today and I already know Nolan is going to make me walk this baby down so I decide on a grey dress with pink buttons and Nike slides. I also grab a white bra and panty set. My boobs have gotten way too big to go out without a bra. Damn, I miss being apart of the itty bitty titty committee.

Just as I grab my purse, I hear Kimora telling me to come down because Nolan is outside. Walking downstairs, I tell everyone that I'll see them later. A smile comes across my face when he gets out of the car then pulls out his phone, snapping a picture of me.

"Mmm my baby looks good." He says as he kisses my cheek while I snatch the phone from his hand.

"Nolan! That picture is terrible! I look huge, my bra is showing, and my mouth is open! DELETE IT!"

"Nolan! That picture is terrible! I look huge, my bra is showing, and my mouth is open! DELETE IT!"

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