🌸Chapter 18🌸

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Chapter 18 :|: Dealing with the bitch


Taehyung's POV

While we were in class things were normal. We got work from the teacher and such, nothing special actually. While jotting done notes from the board, at the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook staring at me without blinking. My heart began to beat faster. I could feel butterflies in my tummy, I was so wiped by is actions. Finally my mate has noticed me even though he doesn't now yet. I wonder what's with his change of heart, why did he suddenly fell for me and broke up with his ex Lisa.

Before I knew it the bell had rang, class was over. I gathered my stuff and packed my bag as me and Jungkook exist the room. Since he and I had a different class next, we had to say goodbye. I waved him goodbye as he went the other direction. I had Chemistry next and he math.

I walked in the class and soon the room went silent. "what's with the sudden silence?" I questioned mentally. Not really caring about the sudden lock of noise I walked over to my seat and sat down, awaiting for the teacher. Soon after sitting I saw eyes looking at me, "what's with the eyes?" I questioned again. A few students were sitting down not really caring about my presence while somewhere jugging me? I don't know. I just sat down and decided to look through the window which was to the left of me as I looked at the blue sky.

A group of girls then walked over to my area, one tapping on my desk which caught my attention. She had black long hair, pale white skin and had makeup on, a lot actually. she was standing beside two other girls who had blond and brown hair, all of them had makeup and I'm like "WTF(WHO THE FUCK)did their makeup?!". I mentally though.

Suddenly  my eyes fell an another girl. I knew her well in fact a bit too well, It was Lisa, Jungkook's ex. "why did I have to see her, even after her and Jungkook broke up?" I wined internally. I'm not in the mood for this today or even ever.

"well well well. if it isn't the whore Kim Taehyung" Lisa spot out with a glare.

My eye's met hers, a little scarred  and a little bit pissed at her for calling me a whore when she is actually a living evidence of one.

I looked at her not really caring to answer, the sooner she leave the better for my eyes.

"what nothing to say!? you dare take my kookie from me!" she let out in range

I got tired of her talking so I spoke. "from what i tell Jungkook dumb you for me without me telling him so."

Her eye's widen. She was in shock and didn't though I would actually answer. She lift her hand with anger about to hit me but before she could the teacher entered the class. She spoke under her breath before taking her seat. "He'll leave sooner than you think..watch out Kim Taehyung~.." and she walked off.

I was totally pissed at her for bothering my peace and for even talking to me. The class then soon was started and I was now kind at peace, I wasn't thinking about recent events.

The bell and the teacher bid us farewell. Before I had to deal with Lisa again I quickly rush out the class not wanting to deal with four girls. I was now in the hall way, making my way to the canteen. I soon came into contact with some one very familiar, it was Jimin.

"Jiminie~!" I let out which got the attention of the older.

"Taetae~!" he ran over to me as I did to him.

"I've missed you!" we were both hugging at this point.

"Silly we've only been apart for a day~" I pulled away as did he

"so why didn't you tell me about you and Jungkook you meanie~!" he wined hit my shoulder playfully.

"ouch~..." I wined acting like it hurt.

"we just started talking to each other..." I blushed

"really..?" he gave me a look at questioning

"I mean it! I would tell you if we were dating! you know that" he defended my statement.(A/N In last chapter Jungkook and Taehyung car scene- They're together but not dating until further on.)

"okay okay i believe you." he smiled

"let's go to lunch then shall we~" he did a roleplaying voice

"let's~" I played a long has we both were laughing on our way to lunch

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