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We get to know what has happened to my boyyyyy :D

Monday Afternoon/Late May

After deciding that sleeping in was better, the group had gotten up around 12:30 the next day. Owen was the first one awake because everyone else still had some jet lag. He had gotten up and taken his medicine prepared for him by Alyssa like he was told to do, then he sat down and waited for the others to wake up, so he could tell them about his experience. 

Bee and Alyssa were the next people up, making their way to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone as they normally do. The suite had provided pots and pans to cook food but no ingredients, so they would make a decision about what to do for breakfast once everyone was awake. They got some water for themselves and sat near Owen to check on him. He said he was feeling a bit better, but he was still extremely sore. While Alyssa did a small check up on him, Ellie and Kelsie walked into the room and smile at everyone, they looked tired but tried to hide it to keep the calm mood up. Finally, Arion walked into the room, greeted by Owen smiling up at them as Alyssa continued to examine him quietly.

"Looks like the medicine works fast, his breathing has already improved and his throat looks like it has healed a bit, just a week on the medicine should fix him right up." Alyssa said happily, just excited that her medicine was working. "Thank you." Owen stated in a lower and slow British accent, this was the first time the group heard his voice in person, so it took them aback. "What's for breakfast?" Arion asked, looking at the time, "Or lunch?" They added hesitantly. "We could order some food, or we can buy some cheap stuff because this suite has supplies to cook." Bee stated. Owen looked up happily, he already knew all the best places around. He suggested one that wasn't too far, so they wouldn't have to take a cab. 

The group got their stuff together and walked to a small cafe near the hotel. It wasn't packed like they assumed it would be. The smell of fresh bread and coffee was strong, and the cafe was colored a calm baby blue. The group ordered and sat down at a larger table. Arion, Owen, and Alyssa got different flavored teas and blueberry muffins. Ellie got an iced caramel latte and some cookies, and Bee and Kelsie got coffee and strawberry crepes. The group ate quietly and enjoyed each other's company, taking in the calm vibe for a little while before returning the situation at hand. 

"So, Owen, start from the beginning, what happened?" Alyssa asked calmly, looking across the table at Owen, who was slowly working on eating his muffin. He stopped and looked up, holding Arion's hand. "Well, it started when I figured out the whole fire-breathing thing, I normally just started getting angrier all the time," his voice was scratchy, "Whenever I got mad at someone, the fire would come out in between my words." As he spoke, he spun his fidget ring to keep himself focused while he was speaking. "The first time an accident happened was right before I started dating Arion, I got mad at-" Owen paused, not wanting to remember this, "Him, and I lashed out and burnt his hands because he blocked his face." Arion rubbed his back and comforted him, silently urging him to continue. "I am sorry for not telling you any of this Arion." Arion smiled, "It is alright, I understand." They continued to hold his hand, tapping lightly.

"Take all the time you need Owen." Kelsie said. Bee pulled out their phone and passed it to Kelsie quietly, they both nodded and then slid it to Ellie. "Do you need anything before we continue?" Alyssa questioned trying divert everyone's attention from the siren's new problem. "No, I will be fine," Owen said, "The second accident was what you lot saw whenever you got here, my house and my parents." He added. "They are okay, I checked on them, I just feel horrible for it. It only happened because one of my professors refused to help me and I got upset and lashed out on my dad who just happened to be the first person I saw. I immediately attempted to stop once I realized that I hurt him, but the fire knocked him out and set the carpet on fire. I got him out, but by that time the smoke spread and my mum was breathing most of it in while she was sleeping, once they were both in the hospital, I hid because I felt guilty for hurting them and hiding everything from Arion," Owen took a second to breathe, "Sorry again." He added.

"Thank you for telling us Owen." Ellie said, smiling at him kindly. He smiled back and took a drink. Bee nudged Kelsie and then gestured at Arion. "Owen, we need to talk about something, the reason that the Temptresses have that hit on you." Kelsie said hesitating, not wanting to push him too far for one day, "We can talk about it back at the hotel if you want." She added. Owen shook his head and took a final drink before starting his last story for today. 

"They say I killed an emperor, the thing about that is that I don't even remember anything from the house accident to when you lot showed up." Owen said with a matter-of-fact tone. "So I can't even testify against it if I wanted to, there were no witnesses apparently." Bee nodded, listening very carefully, writing notes, so they could try and help him out of this. "According to your hit file, you allegedly got the last emperor alive, this hasn't gotten to the press, yet because that dynasty was falling apart anyway, he basically had no power." Kelsie said nonchalantly.

To be continued-1k Words!

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