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This is chapter 3 hehe poggers

Saturday Night/ Late May

After many long hours of arguing back and forth about the situation at hand, getting no where in the long run, the group decided to rest for the night. Arion couldn't stop thinking about Owen, he had no reason to murder anyone, so why would he? Did he even do it? Had he lied?

Every night Owen and Arion would call each other and talk about their days, every night it was worse for Owen so every night Arion tried to fly to him to give him comfort. He never talked about hurting anyone, or even wanting to hurt someone. He kept a lot of things bottled away in fear of hurting Arion, they knew but didn't want to push him, so they kept quiet. This hurt both of them very quickly. Arion wanted to know what he was going through, so they could help but all they heard was his suffering and no explanation for it. They had many nights where they both cried silently on the phone, no words of comfort to be given.

Everyone in the house knew Arion's pain, they could see right through them. They all wanted to help so that is why they agreed to do all of the last minute work to get those plane tickets that would fly them out to the UK tomorrow. No one slept that night. Besides all of them being insomniacs, they all were occupied with Owen's situation as well. They just wished everything would be okay soon.

As the night droned on, everyone utterly restless, the rain started. A very soft rain, yet loud enough to be heard through the walls. The light sprinkle made a calmness fall over the tired house. They all didn't think much of it at the moment, but they were grateful and everyone was eventually lulled to a peaceful and happy sleep.

The day brought an overall feeling of tenseness. Whether it was the sleep deprivation from previous nights mixed with hunger of the early morning or the uncertainty of their next steps. Everyone was on edge, this day would entail them getting on a plane for 12 hours with little to no way of expressing their bottled up emotions. The sirens and the werewolf were scared of the head of the temptresses doing something to Owen or themselves. The nymph was emotionally strained because she had everyone either coming her for advice or to cry, and Arion just simply wanted her soulmate to live. 

After a quick and unfulfilling breakfast at the airport, the roommates boarded the quiet yet crowded plane. Alyssa, Bee, and Ellie sat near each other while Kelsie and Arion sat on the opposite side of the aisle of them. The ride there were 12 hours long, so they all would have time to think things over and make plans of what would happen when they get there.

4 thousand miles away, an unaware Owen sat in a burnt-down home with rain falling around him. His parents were still in the hospital from recent burns, and he was left alone, quietly rotting away from the guilt of his actions. Ever since his dragon side started showing, his temper was uncontrollable at times. He used to only get "angry" at small things like video games, but his hybrid has brought out the worst in him. It wasn't his fault, even Arion knew that, his specific dragon hybrids were known to be unpredictable to the point of loss of complete control. Recently he lost control involuntarily whenever a professor refused to help him, since Owen happened to be home and working online, he lashed out on the first thing he could. His parents. 

That day his parents left their home, which was burning and crumbling quickly, with 2nd degree burns. It could have been worse but it still left Owen with the worst feelings imaginable. He felt as if he disappointed and let down his parents and Arion who was supposed to be helping him with the anger issues. He had his from police and anyone else who had been looking for him, the longer he hid, the more exhausted he got, both physically and mentally. The guilt tore at him bit by bit, panic attacks getting worse every day. Dehydrated from tears. Lungs burnt out from the fire. The days since his incident went by in blurs, not even remembering most of them. 

One morning when the rain just wouldn't stop for what seemed like ages, he got word that the Temptresses had a hit out for him. He knew that the temptresses had a special hatred of dragon hybrids for their destructive nature, but he also knew that legally they always needed a reason, he just did not know what his was. He also did not know that his soulmate was on their was to save him from his imminent demise.

So there Owen sat, broken, tired, and uneasy, in the rubble of the home he loved so dearly, not able to see his parents, not even knowing if they would want to see him. The dawn of the day shed it's light on Owen, battered and bruised, he felt lonely and terrified for his life. He had no idea if he could even escape his new fate.

Everyone did not know what was to come when they landed, but they felt prepared in a weird way.

900 word pog!!!!

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