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Late May/Tuesday Afternoon

The interrogation room felt cramped, though the five only took up a small area of the bigger room. The rules had been read out and the question had begun, the easy ones were first, such as age, height, and full name. Then the more important ones came along, and the answers might not be what the heroes wanted to hear. Bee gave the first few questions, while Ellie listened attentively and wrote down what Kelsie would need to hear. 

"So, how did you three meet Owen?" They asked as Briana had sat up from her slouching position. "Finally something not boring, we met him about 3 months ago, cute fellow he is," She stated with a smile, as she watched Ellie's ears perk up, "Don't worry, I'm more into women." Ellie nodded and went back to writing. Briana continued, "When we first saw him, he looked upset. On a closer look, we saw that he was limping, and he was covered in soot." Bee glanced at Ellie, a nod passing between them. Ellie mouthed, 'Which incident was that?'  Bee shrugged.

"Did you approach him? Or did he approach you? And did he tell you why he looked like that?" Bee questioned. As Briana opened her mouth, Idras answered for her. "Boss sent Imres and I to talk to him." Imres joined in, "He looked so much like us under all that smudge, he just had to be part dragon." The boys shared glances before Idras spoke again, "Plus, even if he wasn't, we had to know who caused him to be covered in something only a fire could've done." Ellie flipped over to the next page in her notebook, Bee waited for more answers. Briana took this as her turn to speak. 

"I sent them over with microphones, so I could listen. Owen was scared, he felt welcomed by the boys, so he easily came with us when offered," She paused for a breath. "We took him back to our base, gave him food and water. Then, we asked him what happened. All he said was, 'Harrison hit me first, so I fought back.' We had no clue who this Harrison was but it sounded like Owen fucked him up." She smiled. "Okay, so you met him after that incident, the first one, did you have any involvement in the others?" Ellie asked, just looking up from her notebook. "Of course we did." Idras said, Imres finished his thought. "We tested his power for a couple of days and then sent him back home, keeping in contact of course." The younger stated. 

Briana leaned forward, "We watched him for a while, then when he was out one day, we met up with him and gave him something good for him." She said with a chuckle. "That was a fun one to watch Boss." Idras chuckled along with her, Imres accompanied soon after. Bee hid their confusion and asked, "What did you give him?" A smirk ran across the titan's face. "Drugs." Ellie started to stand up, a glimpse of anger on her face. Bee sat her back down and whispered, "Not yet."

"Did that cause him to do anything bad?" Bee inquired. Briana nodded, "You already knew that one, though, we were actually paid to kill that emperor, but the drugs and a little persuasion made him do it for us." Idras jumped in once more, "He was so easy to use as well, such a weak-minded boy, very powerful though, which was perfect for us." Imres added, "We got paid for the hit, but your friend made international news in our place, we made sure he was on camera when it happened." Briana took over. "We were gonna kill him too, but the boys convinced me otherwise, and we assumed you assassins would take care of him. You were too weak though, so that is why we were just outside of your little suite." Ellie glanced up, "We would never kill one of our own friends, you must be stupid to think that."

"Not stupid, I think I was just being reckless leaving him alive like I did, but since Idras and Imres liked him so much, I kept him because I didn't want to see them being all whiny. You should be thanking them." Briana said, leaning back in her chair, feet on the table. "We just thought he was cool," Idras said, "And since he killed the emperor, we thought he could do more jobs for us." Imres chimed in, "We would need more drugs through Idras." The older nodded eagerly. The two laughed, the idea of causing Owen more pain only brought them joy. Imres stared up at Ellie, he tilted his head slightly. "You'd be an easy target too, ya know that? You'd both be just like him, right Idras?" Imres said, earning a nod from his brother. "Boys, don't threaten our friends here, they are just trying to unsuccessfully free their friend." Briana scolded jokingly. 

"What do you mean?" Ellie asked. "You can't free him on the basis of our testimony, they will probably think we are lying anyway and the better evidence will be the video, anyone who sees that is bound to turn against such a weak claim of innocence." Briana insisted. "Yeah, that bitch ain't getting out alive." Idras mocked. Bee spoke, "He is, we will get him out, it will be you three who won't. We have our evidence and we are done here." They motioned to Ellie. "We will get out alive! We always do. I'll kill you before someone kills us!" Imres said. A small beep came from the wall, then a guard came in and took ahold of Imres' arm. He screamed for his brother to no avail, "Rule one, don't threaten us." Bee stated. "Where are you taking my brother?!" Idras screamed. "He will be executed now, your only alive for the trial, don't change your story." Ellie said. They left the room, leaving the mercenaries to be handled by the guards. The older brothers crying could be heard from a mile away. 

Kelsie came down the hallway, a startled look on her face. Bee and Ellie greeted her. "Hey Kels, you won't believe the story we got." Ellie said, sighing deeply as she looked back at the room. "Whatever they said in there, they are lying, Owen did kill the emperor, and if we want to keep our jobs, we have to kill Owen." Kelsie declared.

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