Beach House

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Tuesday Night/Late May

"She'll get herself a mighty fine promotion," Jessie smiled, holding back her laugh, "And we'll get off free to go." She finished. Jessie glanced at Briana, who nodded along with her. Idras just continued staring at Ellie. "If it makes you feel any better, we didn't choose him to cause this mess, he was just right for the job. And, it's a life for a life, you took Imres, we take Owen, it's only fair." Briana said with a shrug. "Don't talk about him, that's my brother, you don't deserve to be able to talk about him." Idras seethed. Briana faced him, "I apologized, this is their fault, not mine." She scolded. "Yeah, yeah, I just want him back, and the only thing that'll do him justice is this." Idras mumbled, he turned away and walked out, Briana following him closely. "Well," Jessie started, but paused when her watch beeped, "Oh, seems as if your friend is about to be granted her wish, don't get in the way please." Jessie finished, finally letting out a laugh. The two assassins stared bug-eyed at each other, and then were escorted out by the guard.

Kelsie was on her way out of the suite, she had left Alyssa a note for her to wake up to, so she wouldn't freak out too badly. It said, 'This isn't personal, it's all a part of the job, if I have to hurt Arion too, I'll do it, anything for that promotion. Have fun with the headache :]' She made sure to lock the door on the way out and put up the 'do not disturb' sign, she was a killer, but she was still polite. Kelsie made her way out of the suite and looked for obvious places they could be. 

Arion and Owen had already visited Owen's parents and were looking for a new place to go, they had a small list of safe places away from the suite. They had stopped at a small cafe about a mile and a half away from the place Owen's parents were staying. "We can't stay long, but you need to rest your wings, Arion. We can maybe head towards my beach house by the pier." Owen said, fiddling with Arion's wings to make sure they weren't broken again. "Yeah yeah, but it's late, we need to get a hotel or something. Wait, we can't check into places, how far it the beach house?" Arion asked. "About an hour, we can get a taxi, it may be slightly slower, but we both need rest." Owen replied. Arion nodded. The couple stepped outside and ordered a taxi to the beach house.

Ellie and Bee got a cab back to the suite since it was faster than walking, and it was safer since they didn't have their targets with them. They arrived right before midnight, signed in and went up to their room. Ellie got to the room first and was about to knock but be stopped her. "Kelsie might still be here, be quiet, we have a key, just go in." Bee whispered. Ellie leaned towards the door and listened, not hearing any voices. She put her electronic key up to the door and unlocked it, noticing the 'do not disturb' sign. The two walked in slowly, first seeing food on the table, and then Alyssa on the floor. "Alyssa! Holy shit." Ellie yelled, rushing over to her friend. Bee just stood in the doorway, too shocked to move. The werewolf bent down over her and felt for her pulse, lightly releasing her breath when she realized her friend was alive. "She is fine, Bee. It looks like she got hit, probably by Kels." Ellie said, scanning the table and their surroundings. "You take care of her, I'll secure the area." Bee agreed and slowly moved over to Alyssa.

Kelsie made a short list of possible places that Owen could be, starting with the place Owen's parents were staying at since Owen had mentioned going to check on them. Kelsie had remembered that they were hospitalized by one of Owen's incidents, so she went there first. She got there quickly and asked around to find their room, and she was pointed in their direction by a nurse. Kelsie knocked and walked into their shared room once they told her that she could come in. "Hi, I am Kelsie, one of Owen's friends, I was just wondering if you had seen him recently." She inquired, putting on a fake voice and smile. "Yes, we have, a couple of hours ago, what do you need him for?" His mom asked, smiling back at her. "It isn't too important," Kelsie avoided the question, "Do you know where he could be now? He isn't back at our groups hotel." She finished, looking at her list of places. "Does your family have any extra places of residence, like a summer home of sorts?" Kelsie asked, looking at the beach house option. "Yes actually, we'll write down the address for you." His dad answered, gesturing her over to his side, so he could use her notes to give her the address. 

At about midnight, the couple arrived at a small beach house. The place was quiet and out of the way, discreet and simple. The waves at night covered all other sounds, it was peaceful. The two went inside after Owen unlocked it, and they put their things away for the night. "You hungry babe? I packed some snacks." Arion asked, pulling out various snacks from the hotel. "What do you have?" Owen replied, "I am starving." Arion sat some jaffa cakes and bourbon biscuits on the table, some of Owen's favorites. "Go ahead and eat, I'll secure the house, just to make sure there is no way she can get in." Arion said, leaving him to eat. She checked around the inside of the house first, then she went outside, and that's where she saw Kelsie. "Did you miss me?"

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