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Late May/Tuesday Morning

The walk from the nightclub to the headquarters was long and silent, for the most part. Except for the occasional fighting from the brothers, the mercenaries were quiet people. And the assassins were definitely not going to talk about their plans in front of their targets. Briana started poking fun at their captors when they neared the headquarters. "This is the 'greatest' law enforcement agency in the world? Yeah, right." She mocked, gesturing to the boys, so they laughed with her. As they approached the headquarters, it started raining. The rain only making the building look more ominous. The infamous place had held many dangerous people in the past and it is about to hold more. There were agents coming in and out of the building, some looking tired and ready to leave and others ready to start their early shift.

The headquarters building was old, it has been around for about 50 years. The establishment was a dark gray, and built like a castle. If it wasn't a federal site for assassinating infamous killers, it might just be a tourist attraction. The Temptresses took over this building shortly after the human-hybrid wars, and Jessie is the 5th Head Temptress at this site. She took over once she saw a weakness in the last leader. Jessie is the first leader to not be a siren, she is a water nymph, but no one dares go against her since she would just simply order their death. She doesn't have to fight either, she's corrupt. Jessie has a way with her words that makes her more powerful than any leader the sirens have ever seen. 

The rain woke up Owen from his rest, he checked the time slowly; 4:56 AM. He wanted to lay in bed more, just holding onto Arion, but he got up anyway. He kissed Arion before leaving the room. Alyssa was passed out on the couch, her translucent wings covering her shoulders in place of a blanket. Owen made his way to the bathroom. He shut the door and turned on the light. Making his way over to the mirror, Owen pushed his hair out of his eyes and examined himself. His scars stood out among the rest of his body, each having their own story, most of them filled with regret, some he can't even recall. He stepped into the shower, brushing off the swelling feelings of guilt. 

Alyssa awoke with the shower turning on, sitting up in time to see Arion walk out of their room. "Mornin, did you sleep on the couch?" Arion asked, only getting a nod in reply. "I'll make some breakfast, it's pretty early, you think they are at headquarters yet?" Arion continued. Alyssa stretched slowly, "It's only been about five hours, if they went by foot, then they should just now be arriving, counting rest breaks and all." Arion hummed, "Hopefully they will let us know something soon, Owen in the shower?" Alyssa nodded again. Their morning continued as usual, mostly unspoken words.

The group came to a stop in front of the main door. Kelsie turned towards the mercenaries. "Heads up, once we get in, no speaking. We will go straight to the interrogation room, no distractions." A glace passed between the targets, then Briana nodded. "Let's head on in then, be warned though, since you are wanted, you will get stared at." Bee said, opening the door to the headquarters. The three assassins waved their badges at the guards. One of them nodded, tapping some buttons on his watch. "3rd door on the left, completely padded, be as loud as you want, Ms. Jessie will want to see one of you soon, though, she requested it." He said as the hallway doors opened up on their right. "I'll go. Bee, make sure that Ellie doesn't kill them yet," Kelsie stated, "Can you lead me to Ms. Jessie? We've never been to this site before." The guard nodded, "This way Miss."

Bee and Ellie lead their targets into the interrogation room. From the outside this place is just a castle, but on the inside, the tech makes everything look unreal. Every door is automated with a badge-lock on the inside and out. All interrogation rooms are sound-proof, and since information torturing is legal, the noiseless rooms come in handy. There is also execution stations at every site just in case the first assassination failed or was delayed for questioning. Those would be used later once the information was gotten out of the mercenaries. 

"Take a seat, we will begin questioning whenever you are ready." Bee said, handing Ellie the protocols she needed since she was new as this. Ellie skimmed over it while Bee locked the door. "We are ready, get this over with." Briana said, rolling her eyes. "Rules first; if you attempt to harm us, you will be executed immediately. There are cameras everywhere, don't try anything stupid.  We will ask you anything we want to, you tell us the truth and we will work out a different fate for you. Ms. Jessie has the final say on that though." Bee stated. Ellie looked up from the protocols, watching each persons reaction to the rules, making sure that there was not any defiance. "I am ready when you are, Bee. Briana, are you all willing to answer every question?" Ellie asked. She nodded, "Shoot, we're all ears."

Kelsie stepped into Jessie's office quietly, a beep came from the door once it was shut, signifying that it was locked. The Temptress leader was no where to be seen, so Kelsie decided to make herself comfortable. She moved to the chairs sitting in front of Jessie's desk. As she sat down, a tablet lit up in front of her. It told her to sign in and state her business being there. Once that was done, a few more beeps came from a door behind the desk, and out walked the one and only Jessie. "Let's get started then." She said with a smile. Kelsie stood up and greeted her with a handshake. Jessie took her hand calmly, "Nice to finally meet you Kelsie." 

The two sat down as Kelsie said, "Nice to meet you too, the guard said you wanted to talk with one of us?" Jessie opened up a file sitting on her desk and skimmed through it, her finger landing on a couple of names. "Yes I do, you are the assassins in charge of the emperor and mercenary cases, correct?" Jessie asked, watching Kelsie nod slowly, "Good, and your team is investigating the mercenaries right now. So I'd like to ask about the emperor killer, Owen, have you taken him down yet?" Kelsie sighed, "No ma'am, our team doesn't believe he did it so that is why we are keeping him alive. We are also keeping him alive on the behalf of his lover, ma'am." Jessie's eyebrow peaked, "Lover?" She asked, "You know we have protocol for lovers correct?" Kelsie nodded. "We also have footage of him killing the emperor, that is why we sent you in the first place, you wouldn't have been sent if he was innocent." Jessie stated. The tablet from earlier came out of the table again, a small video started playing. 

"Hey Owen, how are you feeling? The medicine working?" Alyssa asked whenever she saw him taking his medicine that morning. "Yeah, it helps lots, I've been practicing the fire stuff again and it doesn't hurt anymore so that is good, thanks again." Owen said, beginning to fix some tea. Arion had begun ordering breakfast for the group, since the three are all insomniacs they was used to being up this early. It had been a restless night for them, and they still haven't heard anything. "Y'all want pancakes?" Arion asked, tapping on her phone quietly. A light mumble came from Owen, and a nod from Alyssa. "I just want to know if they are safe." Alyssa said. "You know what, I'll message Ellie again." Arion said, pulling up Ellie's messages on their phone after placing their order. Owen walked over to Arion and laid his head on their shoulder, to which Arion kissed lightly. "What's up baby?" They whispered. "I feel guilty because they are going through all of this trouble for me." He said quietly, squeezing Arion's hand. "Hey, hey, that's alright," Arion said as they comforted him, "It is their job, they are going to help you, I promise."

"I hope so, I don't want them to get hurt for my sake. I've hurt too many people, and I'd rather not add them to the list." Owen said, turning to hug Arion.

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