Incipiens in finem

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'Beginning of the end'

Tuesday Night/Late May

Briana and Idras sat two chairs apart, a guard standing tall next to them. The two were waiting for their meeting with the siren's leader. Briana was nervous, though hiding it from Idras, she was scared they might execute him too. Idras gave no signals of emotion, his blank face hiding in his hands. The guard stood facing the two captives until the door beside him opened up, and Jessie stepped into the room. She greeted the group with a smile, "Long time, no see, huh?" She said, delighting in seeing the color drop from Briana's face. Idras slowly glanced up, eyes widening slightly. "Hey, it's the big boss." Idras said, the monotone voice scratchily leaving his mouth. 

Kelsie had arrived at the suite. She hid her weapons, so she wouldn't freak out the staff, and she headed up to the group's shared room. She knocked on the door once she arrived, Alyssa answered. "Hey Kelsie, you are back just in time, I made you some tea, sit with me." Said the nymph, nudging her friend towards the table in the kitchen. "Sure, you know why I am here though, right?" Kelsie asked, wondering why Alyssa wasn't panicking. "Of course, but I wanted to talk to you first, how did the trip go?" Alyssa asked, filling her friend's cup and pushing it towards her. She also slid over some treats just in case she was hungry. "It was going fine, we found the mercenary group and led them back to the base, but I have to track down Owen, where is he?" Kelsie inquired. "I have no clue, left with Arion about five hours ago, could be anywhere." Alyssa took a sip of her tea, and then added a bit of sugar, "not like I would've let you get to him anyway."

Kelsie picked up her food and took a bite, thinking of all the places Owen could be while her conversation with Alyssa carried on. "If you know why I am here, why aren't you fighting me?" Kelsie asked with genuine concern. "Well, I don't want to hurt you, Kelsie. You are my friend, but so is Owen, and until the others get his trial secure, I am not letting anyone near him." Alyssa stated as she adjusted herself in her seat. "You are playing favorites, I've known you longer, Alyssa, you should be helping me." Kelsie scolded. "I probably should, but I have had plenty of time to think," Alyssa paused to drink, "You are wrong, Owen didn't do this, what is driving you towards this Kelsie?" The nymph asked her friend. Kelsie stared past Alyssa for a second, "Money, simple as that." She replied, a shrug leaving her shoulders. 

Briana sat bewildered beside Idras. Jessie stood in front of them, smiling at their presence, that emotion not being mutual between the three. "Hey Boss, didn't know you ran this place." Briana chuckled uncomfortably. "I do, I've been running it for a while now." Jessie said, "I have something to speak with both of you about, follow me." Jessie finished, gesturing them to walk with her. She opened the door leading into her office, Ellie and Bee were still sat at her desk speaking quietly to one another. The two turned around once they heard the door open. Ellie gasped, "They definitely aren't gonna testify now," she whispered. Bee shook their head in disbelief. Jessie and the mercenaries made their way to the desk. "I believe you all know each other." Jessie said, "Sit, we must discuss this 'trail' that you so desperately want." 

"Money, huh, didn't think you'd be so quick to turn to disloyalty." Alyssa said, stirring her tea. Kelsie huffed. "Disloyalty? I am staying loyal to my job, what do you mean disloyal?" Kelsie uttered, she finished off her food and started on her drink. "Loyalty to your friends, aren't we more important?" Alyssa asked, begging to bring her to light. "Of course, but when my job is threatened, I am going to do what it takes to keep it. I am done here, where is he?" Kelsie asked, putting her trash away. "I told you, I don't know, and even if I did, I am not letting you near them." Alyssa paused, "You'll have to fight me if you want to get to them." Alyssa said, every part of her healing personality disagreeing with this choice. "Alright, let's go then." Kelsie said. She picked up a large book on the table. Kelsie rushed towards Alyssa, knocking her down and then hitting her in the head.

Idras spent the entire conversation glaring at Ellie, who did her best to not agitate him, while Briana and Bee spoke to Jessie. Bee asked why the suspects were brought in. Jessie replied, "They have a lot of importance to me, and if you need them for the trial, I need to know exactly what their part is in the case. Do you care to supply me with what your little interrogation came up with?" Jessie spun her chair slightly to the left and picked up a file. "Says here that they 'drugged and manipulated' Owen, and how does this testimony hold up against the video?" She pushed further. "Well, you can see in the video that he was swaying, obviously drugged. How can that not hold up?" Bee scoffed. Jessie laughed, "You see, if the Judge is corrupt, then the jury will be as well, and I hate to say this, but," She leaned forward, "I'm the judge, the most corrupt, you can't get this approved by the jurors." She finished. "What? What do you mean?" Ellie jumped in. "Why are you doing this? This is obstructing justice!" Ellie shouted. "It's easy, I paid these lovely people to kill the Emperor, they got your friend involved, and now if your friend Kelsie kills him, she'll look like a hero," Jessie paused, seeing the horror build up, "She'll get herself a mighty fine promotion."

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