A New Encounter

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Saturday has finally arrived and I decide it would be a good idea to go outside and do some shopping. With the recent villain attacks and everything going on downtown, also with some tests around the corner, I haven't gotten much time to myself.

I wake up to the house surprisingly silent. A smile graces my face as I quietly walk downstairs to see my father on the couch reading a newspaper.

"Your mom went out to buy groceries and Katsuki isn't up yet"

I smile. "Peace a quiet huh? I'm gonna grab something to each then head out. I wanted to do some shopping today"

"Don't be out too late"

Just as I step out and shut the door, I hear a yell erupt from upstairs. I let out a breath and walk quickly away from the house.

'Looks like i left just in time'

I take a deep breath beginning to walk down the street. Despite all that's around me, being a third year and all, I have an odd sense of peace. People in the city around me buzz like bees, either with each other, on the way to work, on the phone, or trying to get their kids away from the shops. Some young children eye me from afar, to which I send them a gentle smile and wave, the continue on with my business. A gentle breeze hits my body, causing me to shiver slightly, deciding that I should zip up my jacket. Arriving at the mall, I notice a bunch of people are lined up outside the hero store.

'I wonder what that's all about'

"All might is signing autographs in there today" A voice speaks from behind me

I let out a yelp and jump to the side, making eye contact with Hawks. "Hawks?"

"Yo" He puts his hand up, a smirk appearing on his face. "What's up kid?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you had today off"

"I do" He places a hand on the back of his neck and smiles. "I just thought I'd spend some time shopping today. What about you?"

"Nothing in specific. I just thought I'd take some time to relax and shop as well"

"I see, care for some company?"

"I don't see why not"

I continue my walk going through the stores and taking in some air. Hawks stays behind me, not making much noise, but certainly not keeping a low profile. Fans start to walk past us, asking for photos and autographs, earning an annoyed sigh from me.

"As much as I'd love to continue" Hawks begins. "I'm trying to enjoy a day off. Please understand" He winks at the group of girls and they all sigh, clearly lovestruck. I slip into another store, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as the lovely sound of classical music fills my ears. A smile forms on my face as I start looking through the different pieces of clothing. A f/c top catches my attention and I pick up a black mini skirt to go with it. After trying the clothes on, I change back into my regular clothes and head to the register to pay. After heading out of the store, I get a message on my phone.

????: Kid where'd you go?

Y/n: Hawks? How did you get my number?

Hawks:...not important. Anyways where are you

Y/n: I just came out of (favorite clothing store)

Hawks: Why did you leave?

Y/n: Your fans were crowding and I wanted to relax

"Found ya" I look up and see hawks sitting on the ledge of the second floor. I put my phone away as he hops down next to me, a smile gracing his lips. My heart begins to race and I cough to get myself to look away and mentally scold myself

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