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When did I decide I wanted to be a hero? I'm not sure myself, but I do know at a young age I had made up my mind, even before I got my quirk.

While Katsuki took on the qualities of my mother, I took on the qualities of my father. He is loud, demanding, hyper attentive, and well, and explosion. I was always on the quieter side, the kinder side, and I always wanted to help people. Ever since i was a kid i longed to be needed and helpful, I never wanted to be a waste of space or time, I needed to have a purpose, perhaps that's why i decided to be a hero. Because I selfishly want to feel needed.

If i really wanted to be a hero, then by all means i should have reported that man to the police.

But i didn't

He knew my name, where I went to school, and knew that I was interning with Hawks without me even telling him.

His image is engraved in my mind and all i could think about as I lay awake that night, my gaze locked on the ceiling. His midnight hair complimented his sapphire hues, and his skin was covered in burn scars. As he got closer to me, the air was warm, yet cold, and I could almost feel his touch lingering still, sending chills up my spine. I swallow sharply, sitting up from my bed and staring out to the moon, illuminating the midnight sky. I push the window open, a gentle breeze flowing through my room as I let out a breath, embracing the rare serene environment. Another breath escapes my lips as my gaze locks on a bright star that seemed to shine more than the rest. I begin to remember when I was a child, how my grandmother would tell me that if you wished upon a star, it would come true. I interlace my hands, whispering a small wish

"I wish i understood what's happening to me"

Who am I kidding

This is something children believe in, it was never real to begin with

The attack of the USJ became the talk of the school since it happened a week ago. That day, I rushed to find Katsuki, who just angrily told me to go away as soon as I approached him. A breath escapes my lips as he walks away, at least he's safe and nothing happened to him. Before I turn to walk away however, I notice someone eyeing me, a boy probably in Katsuki's class with bright red hair and sharp teeth.

"Um hello there..."

"Oh sorry, the names Eijiro Kirishima"

"I'm Y/n, Bakugo's-"

"Older sister, I know" he finishes, a smile forming on his face. I let out a nervous laugh, pulling at the hem of my blazer and clearing my throat.

"Was there something you needed?"

"O-Oh no not really, I just wanted to say hi"

"I see...then I'll be going back to my class" I bow and walk back down the hall to my class, sitting back at my desk

"Y/n!" A voice called and my head snaps around to face them. Mirio runs up to my desk, as if he rushed here.

"Mirio? What's wrong?"

"How's your brother?"

My throat tightens, my posture beginning to fall, along with my heart. For a second, I thought he was here for me, but clearly not. "H-He's fine" I whisper out, my eyes glued to my feet

"That's great! Well I have to go catch up with the others so see you later!" Mirio runs out just as fast as he got here, leaving me to slump back down on the table. My head turns to the window, the clear blue sky and the cotton clouds making me wonder what a life without quirks would be like. A life where everyone was equal, no one had an advantage over anyone else, and everyone was happy

If that place really existed...

...I would go there no hesitation

At least then....this feeling wouldn't linger inside me

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