Back to Not Normal

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The rest of the days passed like a breeze and since the villains had be detained, Hawks and I were able to go out normally and not pretend to be a couple anymore. I did feel more at ease not having to pretend to be someone I'm not, but it kind of felt good. Being something like that with someone.

My quirk had always made it hard to make friends, people feared me because of what I might do to them. They never bothered getting close to me because they assumed I'd hurt them or even worse, kill them. Being in a relationship with someone romantically seems like a dream never to come true, because almost no one has ever accepted me, and almost no one ever will. The dreams little kids have about being "rescued by their prince" or "falling in love with someone" are just that, a dream.

Part of that however, makes me wonder if im even worthy of being loved.

"I'm going" I kick my shoes on and open the door, plugging in my headphones to my phone as i close it. As I walk to school I look around and see all the kids in groups or with someone else at least laughing and smiling, just having a great time

When was the last time I had that?

I let out a sigh and avert my attention back to the road ahead of me, counting steps as the music playing in my headphones, until someone yanks them out.

"No wonder you couldn't hear me. Damn headphones" he rolls his eyes

"It's rude to rip someone's headphones off like that" I scoff as I snatch them from his hands and keep walking.

"Where are you going?"

"School. Where else? I'm in my uniform and it's 7am"

"Geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the morning" he mutters, but it doesn't escape my ears

"Was there something you needed Hawks?"

He seems to be shocked by my directness, but sighs anyways. "There's a new mission"


"Couldn't this wait until after school?"

"Look kid" he moves in front of me, making me stop walking. "You and I both know you don't really have to go to school"

"Care to elaborate on that?"

He sighs and stuffs his hands in his pocket. "Don't play coy kid, I know that you already took your final exams and passed"

'How the hell...'

"How did you find out about that" I question as he waves my papers in his hands

"Why do you still go?"

He stares deeply at me, I guess trying to scare me into giving him answers.

"Fine. I still go because my parents don't know that I already took the exam. They asked me at the end of last year if I wanted to take a test to skip my last year academically and I just decided to do it. I mean, I wouldn't lose anything. I ended up passing but never told my parents about it."

"Why not"

"You're asking too many questions" I sigh and try yo push past him but to no avail.

"Fine I'll drop the subject, but we still need to go"

"....what did principle nezu say"

Hawks grins as I internally groan, beginning to walk towards him. A small breeze blows gently in our direction, the leaves on the floor beginning to life slightly. The walk to the agency is almost silent, aside from, of course, the fans who point and squeal at the sight of him.

It reminds me of how I was when I was a kid, amazed by all might and the other pro heroes, how each of them just seemed to always win.

"There was a hero killer going around" he blankly states, his face staying neutral

"What? A hero killer? So a villain?"

"Yes and no. He refused to work with villains, but is obviously killing heroes."

"Wait, you said was. What happened?"

"He was defeated"

"So then why are you telling me this now?"

"Because we need to get some information on him and the league"

"So we investigate the league some more?"

"No, not yet anyways" we stop in front of the hospital, Hawks looking up to one of the windows. "We're gonna talk to some people first"

I follow him into the hospital, a good amount of people sitting in the chairs, the desk more busy than normal, and some officers talking to one of the nurses.


"Come on let's get going"

After going up a few floors, he stops in front of one of the doors, taking in a deep breath before knocking on it. He slides the door open, walking in carefully and I follow after him, my eyes widening at the sight.

"Midoriya?! And your classmates!"

"Oh hey Y/n it's been a long time"

"What the hell happened?!" I race to his  side, sitting on the bed

"These kids, the three of them, fought and took down Stain"

"You what?!" Midoriya laughs nervously as the other two just sit in their own beds looking at the two of us. "What about Katsuki did he have a play in all this?"

"No, you know how he is with me"

'That's true'

"Y/n, remember why we're here"

"Right. What exactly happened?"

"Well Iida's brother had been attacked by stain, so he went to fight him in order to avenge his brother. I found out about it and went to help him, then Todoroki came to help us out."

"What was his ideals about" Hawks crosses his arms leaning on the wall, his face completely focused on what he's saying.

"He wanted to kill all the "fake heroes" that just want money and fame. All the ones that never cared about others and saving them." Iida interjects

"He created this ideal about making the world into a place where only real heroes existed, the people who only's resolve was to save those who were in trouble or would be in trouble"

'Real heroes....something seldom these days'

"What about the league" Hawks stands up straight. "Did you run into anyone from the league?"

"No" Todoroki blankly states. "There was a nomu though. It tried to take Midoriya"

"....that's definitely the league. Not only did they bring one to the USJ...but that day too" I whisper, making my way back to Hawks. He grits his teeth, moving out of the room to talk to the officers waiting outside. I let out a sigh, turning back to the three boys who look at us with questioning looks

"Forgive him, we just got back from a mission a few days ago and now we have to go on another one. The league has been very active lately and we're trying to find out why and what they're after"

"An intern" Iida states


"They're after an intern. I heard the police talking about the league targeting some intern."

'For what?'

"I don't know the details" he begins again "but they were saying that one of the nomu's they captured was saying intern, and an agency"

'Could it that's impossible'

"Y/n" Hawks comes back in, a frustrated look on his face "come on we need to go"

"Right. Thank you guys for your information."

They're after an intern, but what do they want with an intern? Interns aren't even labeled as real heroes yet.

A better question, are they after me? It can't be....

But if it is true, is that why Hawks is so on edge?

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