Chapter 8: Revenge and Love

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Levy's POV:

"Do you remember me?" The strange man asked.

I wanted to play it safe just in case, so I said no. It was the truth though. He looked familiar but I didn't remember his name or who he was to me. Was he a friend? A distant relative? But if he was any of those, why would he kidnap and handcuff me?

He looked a bit upset that I didn't, and I got scared that it was the wrong answer, but changed his mood quickly. "I'll give you some time to remember."

I couldn't take it anymore, I was too scared. "Where am I?" I demanded.

He smiled. "Getting courage now are we? That's admirable, considering the situation you are in. But I'll answer your question. We are in my house. This is your room. I hope you like it."

I kept myself from scoffing. It's really not in my personality. I couldn't believe he said that. There were posters of me everywhere and it was creepy. I'm not the kind of person who loves looking at themselves. If he was my stalker, then he would have known that.

I must have had a disgusted expression because he laughed and said "Yes I know it's a bit creepy, but who wouldn't have this room? Your just so adorable it's impossible not to like you."

Okay, now this just got way more creepy, I thought.

I then remembered something. "J" I whispered almost inaudibly.

"Hm? What was that Levy?" My kidnapper asked. I cringed when I heard him use my name. It sounded so rotten the way he said it. I glared at him and he laughed. "Now now, glaring doesn't suit you and your pretty face," He said.

Ew. Well someone's getting cocky. Am I really gonna have to spend the rest of my life with this creep?

He suddenly got up and started leaving. "I'll be back in an hour with some food and books to keep you occupied. Goodbye." He left. I couldn't get up fast enough because of my handcuffs. I wasn't handcuffed to anything to stop me from moving, it's just that I might fall if I got up too quickly.

I really didn't like that guy. I don't hate him or anything, I just severely dislike him. I don't like hating anyone. It's not in my nature.

I didn't have anything to do so I explored my "bedroom." It was actually quite big. It consisted of a bathroom, a closet, a separate walk-in closet, and the bedroom itself. In the bedroom it had bookshelves covering the whole side wall, which was not huge, but still a bit big. The bookshelves were empty though. The guy did say he would come back with books and food. I guess it's something to look forward to.

When I was done looking around, I searched once again for anything useful. When I searched the regular closet, I found a clock. I looked at it and it said that it was almost 4 in the afternoon. I've been out for that long?!

We left on a walk on the beach at about 1 PM. And I looked at the time right before I fell asleep with Gajeel, and it was about 2:30 PM.

So that means I've been out for almost two hours?! What about the others?

I was worried about Lucy and Natsu. And about Gajeel and the girls too. I'm even worried about Sting and that mystery guy that was with him. I wondered how they would react. Did they find out yet? Did they notice? Lucy would surely be crushed, and so would Natsu. Gajeel would be upset but I don't think he would be that sad.

For some reason when I thought that, my heart ached. We've only been here for probably 3-4 days, and I already feel close to him.

I laid down on the bed and smiled, thinking about what the four of us have done while on this trip. A water war, reading, knocking Gajeel unconscious and making Natsu carry him. I laughed at that last part. I smiled and fell asleep with these thoughts, without a care in the world. It seems I had forgotten I was kidnapped.

Jet's POV:

I watched her through the cameras. At first she was searching through everything, probably trying to find a way to escape. She found a clock at least. It was battery operated. She froze after seeing the time, like she was thinking of something sad. She was probably shocked to see she had been here for a few hours already.

The weird thing was, she set it down on the bedside table and lied down on the bed, smiling. She fell asleep soon after, though. As I went to my kitchen to make her food, I wondered what she was thinking about. She must have been thinking, because her mouth wasn't moving, and my cameras have audio so I would hear even the slightest thing.

I better go find her favorite book to give to her. I know I have it around here somewhere. I won't ask what she was thinking about because I might get mad at her answer. I think I know what the answer was. I hate that big black haired guy. Levy should have been in my arms not his, I thought.

I will think of revenge soon enough. For now I should bring her her dinner. It's her favorite.

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