Chapter 7: Part 1 Kidnapped

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Lucy's POV:

I walked back in and almost squealed. Yukino held a hand over my mouth to stop me from waking them up. I couldn't help it, they looked so adorable. Levy's small body in Gajeel's big arms, both sleeping. I might faint. I took a picture for Mira. I'm definitely gonna introduce them to her after we get back. I never thought I would get this shipping thing from Mira. Me and Yukino walked back out quietly to show the picture to Juvia.

Levy's POV:

I woke up on something warm. I was still not fully awake so I didn't notice what it was. I heard a yawn. "Morning Shrimp." 

There is only one person that calls me that. 

"Morning Gajeel!" I smiled up at him. 

"Hey Levy, you think you could get off now? I'm a bit hungry."

I laughed. "Nope! Your arms are nice and warm. I might fall back asleep if you don't mind."

Gajeel's POV:

"Nope! Your arms are nice and warm. I might fall back asleep if you don't mind," she said with a laugh.

My heart felt weird when she said that, but I kind of liked the feeling at the same time. She looked just like a child in her dad's arms. She is so small and precious that I don't want to drop her or hurt her. I shook that thought out of my head. Why did I think that? I asked myself.

She was like a stuffed animal. She was so warm and nice to cuddle, and her hair was so soft. She wrapped her arms around her knees, changing into a more comfortable position. Her back was to my stomach. Her soft voice spoke again. "I'm really comfortable, but I can't seem to fall asleep." She sounded disappointed.

I couldn't help it anymore. Her hair was so soft, and she was so warm and tiny. I pet her head and held her closer. She made an adorable noise, sort of like a purr from a kitten. "Better?" I asked. She mumbled a yes and drifted to sleep again. Looks like I won't be getting food for a while. Might as well enjoy the warmth she's giving off. I drifted off into another dream, but not before I heard the door or something similar to that squeak open a little bit.

Levy's POV:

I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. It wasn't Gajeel's either. It was, in one word creepy. It looked like it belonged to a stalker. My stalker.

Pictures everywhere. I saw a headband that looked exactly like mine. I started panicking. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in Gajeel's arms. Wait, where is Gajeel?

I looked around quickly trying to spot him. He wasn't here. Now I was scared. I studied the room carefully. Whoever or whatever brought me here knew what they were doing. I couldn't see anything that would be helpful in my escape. The door was locked, there was nothing that I could use to pick it. Even my bobby pin was gone. The person responsible for this definitely knew me well, which didn't make me feel any better. I studied the room for who knows how long. it feels like 5 hours have passed. 

Is anyone even here? I wonder if Gajeel, Lucy, and Natsu are okay.

I heard a few creaks outside the room. It scared me a lot. I hid in the closet on the top shelf. These are one of the times I love being small. I made myself as small as possible, and stayed quiet. I barely dared to breathe when I heard the door open. I heard a low chuckle. "It seems that someone wants to play hide and seek. I'll play for a little I guess." I recognized that voice, but couldn't for the life of me remember who it was. It was like my mind didn't want me to remember. 

Maybe something happened a while ago that forced me to push the memory to the back of my mind. 

I pondered a little more before I heard the mystery person come towards the closet. I tried making myself smaller, and held my breath.

The light blinded me a little as the door opened. I was under a bunch of clothes in a box, but I could still see the light. Just barely though. I heard the person grunt as they searched the closet. I still couldn't tell who it was. Not even if it was male or female. Then the person picked up the box I was in and shook it. I banged my head and started to feel dizzy. I covered my mouth to keep my from yelping. I was so glad that the contents of the box covered my noises. The next thing I know, the person pulled me out. The only thing I could see before I was knocked out, was that it was a man.

???'s POV:

I picked up a box on the top shelf of the closet and immediately knew she was in it when I shook it. She must've thought I didn't hear her because of the other things in the box, but I could never forget her voice. I pulled her out of the box and knocked her out. I found some handcuffs and put them on her so she couldn't try and escape again, and I put her on the bed. I sat down on a seat beside the bed and looked at her. She looked so cute when she was asleep. It only lasted for 10 minutes though because she woke up again.

Author's Note:
If this gets 5 views then I will post the second part of the chapter today also. Thanks for reading.

- Nova

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