Chapter 2: Plane ride

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Levy's POV:

After an hour, we finally got to the airport. I saw Natsu and this really big, scary-looking guy next to him. He had long black hair and a black outfit, but it was a little obvious he liked metal, because it was written all over him. I learned to read expressions when I was little. I guess it was because of all the books I read. I mean, I can read most people like an open book, so that must be the reason. Something was different about him though. I couldn't quite figure it out.

It will come to you later, don't stress about it right now Levy, I thought.

I prepared for the introduction. This was not gonna be easy. Natsu saw us and waved us over. Lucy waved back and grabbed my hand, dragging me over to them along with our bags. I told you I was used to this, Natsu.

Lucy hugged her boyfriend, and elbowed his friend. I didn't notice before, but he had earbuds in, most likely listening to music. His eyes were also closed. He opened them, and the first thing I noticed was his eye color. It was so unique. To any normal person, it was a deep red, blood-colored almost. But in my eyes, it was different. I noticed that every so often, the color switched from that deep red to a pitch black. It reminded me of charcoal. That was another thing that made him different. No one has eyes like his. Ones that switch colors faintly. You could barely notice it, and if you did, you would think it was your imagination. I knew it wasn't though. That was something I was 100% sure of.

Lucy snapped me out of my thoughts when she introduced him to me. "This is Gajeel. He is Natsu's friend I was talking about." I stared at him. My shyness started to take over. "H-hi. M-my name is Levy, it's nice to m-meet you." I spoke so quietly that no one could hear, or so I thought. Gajeel looked me up and down. Mostly down, because he was a good 2 feet taller than me.

"Levy, huh?" He said. I nodded, looking down. I really didn't like confrontation. "Well, I don't think I'll call you that." I looked up, surprised. "I like the name Shrimp better." He smirked. He knelt down and looked me in the eyes. "Why are you so short, Shrimp?" I went red with embarrassment. "I'm not short! Your're just tall, you giant!" He stood back up and put his hand on my head. "Sure Shortie, whatever helps you sleep at night."

I looked at Lucy and Natsu. They were obviously amused by this conversation. I calmed down, and a few minutes later our gate was called. We grabbed our stuff and entered the gate onto the plane. There were only two seats next to each other per row, so two of us had to be separated from the other two. There is no way I'm sitting next to that giant the whole way there. I dropped my bags and clung to Lucy's arm, she was next to Natsu the whole time. "Dibs," I said determinedly to Natsu. He held up his arms to surrender, saying "Fine, fine. You win, you can sit next to Luce." I watched proudly as Natsu picked up his bags and sat next to Gajeel. Lucy picked my bags up and put them overhead in the storage compartment. Sometimes I hate being small.

Lucy let me have the window seat, then she slid into her seat. Natsu and Gajeel sat right behind us, and Gajeel also had the window seat. The plane started moving and I stared out the window in awe, looking at the vast sky around us. I had always thought of the sky as beautiful, and this just proved me right. Lucy and I were big fans of the sky and space. I was more into phenomenons, like black holes and the planets. I even named one of our dogs Nova, after the supernova from space. Unfortunately, we had to leave Nova at a shelter during our vacation. I felt bad for her. I really love animals. Lucy was more into astronomy, the study of the stars. She loved the zodiac constellations, and I'd often find her stargazing and looking at the planets and moon at night or online. I was about to show Lucy the view, when I heard gagging noises behind me.

I looked at Lucy, and immediately remembered what she said about the boys' motion sickness. We looked back and saw Natsu and the giant doubled over, looking queasy. Lucy facepalmed.

 "Did you two seriously forget to take the pills I gave you? You guys are so dense sometimes." She rubbed her forehead like she had a headache. 

She was really annoyed, I could tell. She got the pills out of her carry-on and handed one to each of them. "Swallow. Now." She demanded. They wasted no time and swallowed the pill. A few minutes of torture later, the color came back to their faces. The rest of the trip to the resort was normal. And then our vacation began.

Author's Note: 

So GaLe is my favorite Fairy Tail ship. Other than NaLu and Gruvia of course. I noticed that there are not many Gajeel and Levy fanfictions, so I started making one and it's really fun. This is an original, and only the storyline is mine. Credits to Hiro Mashima, creator of this beautiful anime known as Fairy Tail, FT for short for those who don't know.

A GaLe Story: The Summer We MetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora