Short Bonus Chapter because why not:

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Levy's POV:

Gajeel has been teasing me a lot lately. We were now dating, and I see a side of him everyday that no one else sees. Not even Lu or Natsu. I wonder what he's gonna do to me today. Yesterday he was saying dirty pick-up lines to me that just either annoyed the crap out of me or made me blush. And to top it off, he always did his weird but strangely cute laugh of his after all of my reactions. If I didn't love him so much, I would've put a brick in my purse and smacked him with it. But I do love him, so I'll just have to devise some new pranks for him instead. 

"Hey Shrimp!" He called.

"Hey Giant!" I called back. 

For some reason I felt more sassy than normal today. Teenage hormones suck.

Watcha doin'?" he asked.

"Trying to avoid your teasing. What else?" I replied as I walked away.

"Hey Shrimp I got a question for ya . . ." He told me as he caught up with me. 

I stopped and gave him my attention.

"What would be something you'd tell our kids if we ever have any?" He asked.

I blushed at the thought of me and Gajeel together, married and having a nice day out with our children that we loved so much.

"Well . . . I would tell them stories! At least one of them would have take after me in books," I told him.

He smirked at me. "So you want more than one, huh? I got me a dirty little Shrimp, don't I?" He teased.

I blushed. "NO! I only said that because you said kids. K-i-d-s! Which means more than one!" I defended.

"Gihee," He laughed.

I ignored it and asked him instead, "Well then what would you tell our kid or kids, Gajeel?" I asked, generally curious. I really hope he doesn't say something stupid-

"Oh that's easy, I'd tell em one thing in these exact words," He said.

"and what would that be?" I urged. I was even more curious than I was before.

"I'd say to em, 'Listen here mini shrimps, this is how I met yer mother . . ." He said with a smirk.

"Gajeel!" I yelled at him.

"What's wrong Shrimp?" He asked with a smug look.

I then thought of the perfect comeback. I kissed my tall boyfriend and stepped back.

"Nothing . . . gihee," I smirked as I walked to class proudly, leaving him blushing and dumbfounded.

Author's Note:

Welp here it is folks. A bonus chapter! I got an idea for this while reading another fanfic and I decided to write it in a bonus chapter. I actually commented one of these quotes as a reply to someone. I'm curious to see if anyone stumbles across it, so let me know if you do! There will be no more updates on this. The only updates with be on my other stories.

And now for a daily Fairy Tail motto that will not really be daily but whatever . . . GaLe for life!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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